Re: ESH Meeting Week of September 1 - Ellen (2024/9/6)  [Home]
Re: 9月1日の週のミーティング


)は、感情や人々との ups and downs (人間関係における良い時、悪い時)を管理するために、たくさんの霊的な原理を教えてくれます。

まず第一に、私は他の人の態度や行動に対して無力です。しかし、私は離れる力は持っています。それは、彼らを気にかけていないわけでも、愛していないわけでもありません…他者への愛と寛容は私たちの原理です。それは、自分が虐待されたり踏みにじられたりする必要はないということです。『私たちは神の子として、自分の両足でしっかり立っている。誰の前にも這いつくばりはしない。(p120) 』私のアラノンのメンターは、「ノー」は常に完全な言葉であり、自分をケアすることは必ずしなければならないと教えてくれます。私が他の人のドラマや混乱から離れる時、その関係を壊しているのは。私なのでしょうか?それは、私自身の態度や行動によると思います…ただし、彼らの反応は彼らの責任なのです

)には、『私たちは何ものとも、誰とも、ましてアルコールとも戦うことをやめた (p122) 』と書かれています。私は誰かと議論する必要はありません…自分の意見を述べることもできますし、話し合いをすることも、しないこともできます。また、黙って離れることもできます。私のお気に入りの一つは、『神が意図した自分たちの役割を行い、謙虚に神にゆだねていけば、神は災難を平安に変えてくれるだろう (p99) 』というものです。




Sober Date 2003年1月21日

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today. Congratulations on your 5 years, Jan!

Emotional sobriety always seemed so far out of reach for me, until I was told that it is having the ability to cope with our emotions without alcohol. Emotions are normal for us humans. Alcohol warped how we dealt with them. That perfect ideal of eventually having them all under control... won't happen in this lifetime! But, there is hope. Our BB gives us so many spiritual principles to live by when it comes to managing the ups and downs of dealing with our emotions and... people.

First and foremost, I am powerless over other people's attitudes and behavior. However, I do have the power to walk away. That doesn't mean I don't care for or love them... love and tolerance of others is our code. It means I do not need to allow myself to be abused or walked on. "As God's people we stand on our feet; we don't crawl before anyone." My Al-Anon mentor is always reminding me that "No" is a complete sentence and that self-care is non-negotiable. Is it I who wrecks a relationship when I must walk away from someone else's drama and chaos? I guess that depends on my own attitude and behavior when I do it... however, their reaction is their responsibility.

Our BB also tells us, "we have ceased fighting anything or anyone—even alcohol." I don't need to argue with anyone... I can state my case, we can have a discussion or not, or I can remain silent and walk away. One of my favorites is, "Just to the extent that we do as we think He would have us, and humbly rely on Him, does He enable us to match calamity with serenity."

I don't have much drama and chaos in my family, today. There's enough in the rooms of AA for me to practice spiritual principles with... and, I've had to walk away from a few people who I see regularly at meetings. I am courteous and loving when we cross paths - sometimes, they even get a hug! - and, if they ever needed help, I would be there in a nanosecond... but, we no longer interact on a social/personal level. I've been told that this is called adulting'. lol

And, last... but, certainly not least... with anyone who is challenging to my serenity, I give them to God in prayer. That includes myself.

Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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