からの回復をもたらすに十分な性格の変化が、私たちの間では様々な形で現れる。」シルクワーク博士は、『医師の意見』で、「精神的な変化」について述べています。ビル・W は、12&12の106ページで述べています。「霊的な目覚めの定義は、それを経験した人の数と同じだけ存在する。」と。私は、「霊的目覚め」がいつ、どのように起こったか、知ろうとするのをやめました。私は、現実に、楽しんできたのです。開かれた心・意欲と正直さを持ち続け、謙虚と感謝の気持ちにあふれていれば、私は次のように信じるようになりました。「自分の存在そのものを、神の御霊の光に向けて生きていれば、神は私をお導きになり、力をお与えになられる。」と。
Translator : mk
Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. Very grateful to be sober and alive, today.
When I woke up many mornings ago and did not want to drink anymore, I knew I couldn't stop on my own. I tried. It was hopeless. How could I stop drinking without reconciling to God? I didn't want to do the God-thing. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Yet, here I was... asking myself how could I reconcile to God if I didn't stop drinking? Such was the conundrum of my life. Hopelessness looked like the proverbial squirrel going 'round and 'round in the squirrel cage. Only the squirrel was ragged, tired out and had nothing left inside. But... then... I realized I had always been drawn to spiritual things. Maybe... there was something to that. AA was a spiritual program. No drinking required a spiritual solution; a spiritual solution required no drinking. yikes. I was still on the squirrel wheel.
The first thing I did that morning was get on the computer, pull up the AA website and read the twelve steps.
How was I gonna do all this stuff? It sounded Greek to me. Step Twelve gave me hope. YOU ALL were going to show me how this thing was going to be done so that I didn't have to drink anymore. AND somehow, some way I was going to reconcile to God, my Creator. Next was to get to meetings. I would sit in that chair for a year and a half listening and yelling at the Universe until I finally made a direct connection with a God-of-my-understanding, and finally finding a sponsor willing to walk me through the steps. In the meantime, I stayed sober. As the program slowly started to make sense and I was able to grasp how the steps worked and were to become a way of life, it was brought to my attention by those far wiser than me that I had had a spiritual awakening the morning I woke up and did not want to drink. The God-who-I-had-not-wanted-anything-to-do-with had blessed me with not only removing the desire to drink, but through His grace, also granted me hope and faith. All three of these gifts have been with me ever since, even through some of the darkest days I've experienced in this life... in sobriety.
Little did I know in the beginning that it was God's voice I was hearing in the confusion and the squeak of that squirrel cage. The first paragraph on page 567 in our BB speaks of "the personality change sufficient to bring about recovery from alcoholism has manifested itself among us in many different forms." Dr Silkworth in The Doctor's Opinion talks about a "psychic change". Bill W in our 12x12 on page 106 tells us "there are as many definitions of a spiritual awakening as there are people who have had them." I have stopped questioning the when and the how of my spiritual awakening. I have been living it. As long as I stay open-minded and willing, honest with myself, throwing in a huge amount of humility and gratitude, I have faith that God will continue to guide and give strength as I continue to turn my very being toward His sunlight of the Spirit.
This is only my experience. Yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.
Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03