ステップ12は、他のステップを経て次のステップに向かうのではなく、自然に訪れる唯一のステップとして際立っています。「これまでの11のステップの結果」として、私たちはステップ12 ― 新しい人生に導かれます。最初のステップは「we 私たち」という言葉から始まり、自己中心的な「私」(ラテン語またはギリシャ語でエゴ)から最終的に「we 私たち」―ステップ12になるために、それまでの11のステップの全てが必要なのです。私たちは自己中心的な束縛から解放され、すべての人生においてステップの原理を実践して生きることを学びました。まだそうなっていない頃は、たとえまだ酒を飲んでいなくても、私は霊的にスリップをしていたのです。
おそらく私が責任ある「we 私たち」として生きることの重要性を感じていたのは、ずっと11番目のステップに留まっていたからかもしれません。
に委ね、自分自身を正しい思考へと導いていくことでした。できる限り最善を尽くして行動し、実践とさらなる実践を重ね、人間の中の人間、酔っ払いの中の酔っ払いとして、対立するのではなく、「we 私たち」という一部として一緒にいることが大切だと感じました。
Translator : yu
Thank you, Bobbie, for a needed reminder (always - for "all" is a big umbrella).
Step 12 stands out as the only step that just happens, without working specifically toward doing a step on the way to another. "As a result of these steps (11)," we are dropped into Step 12 - the new life. The first step begins with the word "We" and all 11 steps are needed to journey from self-centered "I" (ego in Latin or Greek) to finally becoming "We" - Step 12. WE have become free of the self-centered bondage, and have learned to live by practicing all of the principles in the steps, in all of our life. When I am not, I have relapsed, in spirit, even if I am still dry.
Perhaps I sensed the magnitude of the responsible "we" life because I kept staying on the 11th step. After months of "work" with my sponsor on the 11th, she asked, "Susan, you are ready for the 12th. You can start sponsoring, and move forward. Are you afraid of the 12th step?"
I had been so arrogant and defensive, unable to listen before sobriety, and into sobriety, I didn't trust myself to guide anyone or be responsible in all my affairs (or any of them beyond not drinking, and setting up chairs). One of the persons who guided me to sobriety, Mike W., talked about how when he was first sober, in the '50s, in Chicago, the steps were not in a list. They were in a circle. When I accepted the truth that I was powerless over my insecurity (manifesting as arrogance or know-it-all) and defensiveness, I was back to surrendering, then faith, then letting go of illusions of control, and honesty, humility..... - all the principles in all my affairs meant action and faith, turning all of me- defects and all - to a higher power, as I acted myself into right thinking, doing the best I could. Practice and more practice, being a human among humans, a drunk among drunks, being with, as part of a "we," instead of against in the us-them illusion of separateness.
Today, I am responsible, responding in love and faith, honesty, humility - all the principles - all day long.
love and peace,