ESH on topic - Everything is OK when I give up the reigns - Susan (2023/8/18)  [Home]


古い考え(大抵は過去形です)では、スーザン(私)は運転手だと信じていて、災難に次ぐ災難と不幸を招いていました。 私はパニック発作の中で生きていました。それ以外の状態があるなんて知らなかったのです。

ソーバーになって最初の1年はとても大変でした - 習慣(クセ)について学ぶこと、そしてもっと難しいのは、古い考え方を学び直し、手放すことでした。応援してくれる仲間がいて良かったです、そうでなければ出来なかったでしょう。その後の1年ごとに、平和で、穏やかで、落ち着ける時間が少しずつ増えていき、すべてがうまくいく - すべてはオーケーなのだと知りました。



Translator : yu

Thank you, Chuck, for your share and starting us off - what a different life I lead now, from the one with all the headaches,thinking I was in control.

That old (usually past tense) way of thinking - Susan believing she was the driver - led to disaster upon disaster and misery. I lived in a panic attack. I didn't know there was any other state of being.

My first year of sobriety was very difficult - learning to habits and the harder part - UNlearning old ways of thinking and letting go. I am glad I had all of you to cheer me on, else I wouldn't have made it. With every subsequent year, I get a little more time in peace, in serenity, in calmness, knowing all will be- all IS okay.

I've learned how to let go of the pretend steering wheel, sit back and enjoy the roller coaster ride. In that state, there are no disasters, just lovely Life and more LIFE.

Love and that peace beyond us and our little brains,

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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