を実践する(working the program)」や「
を実践しなさい(work the program)」という表現が登場しないことに気がつきました。たしかに「仲間と共に(Working with Others)」や「どうやればうまくいくのか(How It Works)」といった章はありますし、回復の
ステップ9の "約束" を読み上げる時に、「取り組みさえすれば、必ず実現する」に続いて「努力、努力、努力」や「努力しなさい、あなたはそれに値する」と加えられることがあります。そのとき、私は一部の仲間たちがまだ特定のピューリタン的な労働倫理に囚われているように感じます。それは一部の人には適しているかもしれませんが、再度言わせてもらうと、仕事以上に人生には大切なことがあるのです。
すべての事柄においてAAの原理を実践すること — これは私が共感できる部分です。他の仲間と協力すること — つまり、私の経験と力と希望を共有し、
すること — 当然のことです!ですが、「ステップを実践する」という、ひたすら努力し続けるというアプローチは、私には逆効果に感じられます。それは、私が絶望的に病んでおり、欠陥があり、永遠に罪深い存在であるという考えを永遠に続けることになります。もしかしたら私はそうなのかもしれません。でも、もし理論的に私が霊的な覚醒や心の変化を経験することができたなら、それがAAの核心であるように思えます。その過程の中で、束縛からの自由や解放が訪れることがあるのでしょうか?それとも、私は死ぬまで常にワークし続けなければならないのでしょうか?
を実践する(work the program)」という言葉は、AAの公式なものでも必須の部分でもありません。それは多くのAAメンバーの経験と理解を反映した口語的な表現です。この言葉は、個々の人が
にも関わることだと言いたいです。伝統は、私たちの集合体であるAA共同体 (WE) が実際には個人の回復 (ME) よりも重要であることを思い出させてくれます。
前進あるのみ… こちらフランスでは「オン・イ・ヴァ!(行こう!)」と言います。
Translator : yu
Greetings all:
I’m Mark and I’m an alcoholic who has a desire not to drink today.
Great topic, George— what does “working the program” mean to me?
When I asked my wife, who is not in AA, what the word “work” means to her she said she pictured herself at a table in front of a computer for many hours a day, making money to pay the bills, help our daughter as prepared to leave the nest and find her own work path, and save a little for retirement. It was necessary to survive and rewarding in some ways, but it took a toll (my wife had to stop working because of a nervous breakdown) and now that we are retired….and living in France, where work is not the be-all-and-end-all as it is in other places… we can finally relax a bit.
I have similar mixed feelings about work, and I confess I don’t subscribe to the slogan “work will set you free” whether in life or in AA. I’ve worked digging ditches, for big media companies on Park Avenue, at Universities, and dozens of temp jobs. But I know there is so much more to life than work (as French protesters have been insisting recently).
I notice that the phrase “working the program” or “work the program” doesn’t appear in the Big Book of AA. Yes, there is “Working with Others” and “How it Works”… and the program of recovery is suggested, not required, for membership. (The word sponsor also doesn’t appear in the Big Book but obviously has become an integral part of our program of recovery).
Lately I’ve been thinking about the two schools of early AA: the New York group that was eager to be more inclusive than the Oxford group, opening the door of AA to allow individuals to have their own conception of God, and the Akron group, that stuck, at least for a time, with the Oxford group’s more narrow Christian, Evangelical definition of God. That schism still plays out at times even if in theory we are not aligned with any particular sect or denomination, and I cringe when that happens. But I’m sure people who are devoutly religious may cringe at what I have to share or say at times.
When at the 9th step promises are read, which end saying “they will always materialize if we work for them”… and then some people will add “work, work, work” or “work it since you are worth it”, part of me feels like we are still stuck in a certain puritan work ethic, which is OK for some but, again, there is more to life than work.
Practicing the principles in all my affairs— that I can relate to. Working with others— meaning sharing my experience, strength and hope and being of service.—by all means! But this sort of nose to the grindstone approach to “working the steps” endlessly to me feels counterproductive, perpetuating an idea that I am hopelessly sick and flawed and forever a sinner. Maybe I am. But what if theoretically I have a spiritual awakening or psychic change, which seems core to AA. Will there be some freedom from bondage and release that happens in the process? Or must I always feel like I have to keep working until I drop dead?
That said, I recognize I need to be vigilant— to not pick up that first drink or drug, to be self reflective, admit when I”m wrong, and be responsible whenever anyone, anywhere reaches out for help.
I agree you, George, that “working the program” is highly individual. I checked with the wisdom of the Internet about this topic (which admittedly sometimes gets it wrong and doesn’t promptly admit it!) and here’s what it concluded:
*The term “work the program” is not an official or mandatory part of AA. It is a colloquial expression that reflects the experience and understanding of many AA members. It may mean different things to different people, depending on their personal interpretation of the 12 steps and their relationship with their Higher Power. However, it generally conveys a sense of dedication, responsibility, and gratitude for being part of a program that has helped many alcoholics achieve sobriety and happiness.*
I think that sounds about right, but I would add that it’s not just about the 12 steps and other principles like honesty, open mindedness, love and tolerance of others but also the traditions, which remind us that our collective unity (we) is actually more important than individual (me) recovery.
Anyhow, thank you all for helping me stay sober today!
Onward… or as they say here in France On y va!
Marcigny France