Topic: The Promises - Suanne (2024/5/3)  [Home]






スアンヌ G
ソーバーデイ 2001年6月20日
テキサス州ウェイコ テキサス州ウェイコは、アメリカ合衆国のテキサス州に位置する都市です。ウェイコは州都オースティンから南へ約160kmほどの距離に位置し、人口は約12万人ほどです。ウェイコは南部の中心都市として、商業や教育、医療、観光などの面で発展しています。また、バイソンズやサイクロンズなどのプロスポーツチームも本拠地を置いています。知られている観光地としては、ウェイコ・マム博物館やバイソン学校、ウェイコ動物園があります。

Translator : hr

Hi everyone,

My name is Suanne and I am an alcoholic, grateful to be in recovery and on this sober journey with you today. Congratulations, Jeff and any other celebrants we have. Those 24 hours at a time sure do add up. God is good!

I will always be reminded of the first one I heard when I came in: We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. Never, never, never in a million years did I expect this one to come true for me, but it did. I'm still amazed. That feeling of uselessness and self pity will disappear. How did that ever happen? I had thrived in being a victim, that way I didn't have to take responsibility for my actions. YOU did it to me. But by working the steps, I don't live that way any more. God has given me a new way to live.

The fact that I woke up this morning without even thinking about drinking is a miracle -- wanting it or staying away from it never entered my mind. You see, when I got here, I was one of those who could not NOT drink. I'd lost the power of choice. I had to drink. So how is it that a daily, closet, black out drunk doesn't care about alcohol any longer? It's a miracle from God, a bond with my Creator. It came by doing the work: surrendering to the God of my understanding, doing a thorough inventory, making amends, doing esteemable acts and thinking about others and working with others, still taking inventory and praying. Trust God, clean house, and work with others.

Thanks for listening,

Suanne G
DOS 6-20-01
Waco, TX

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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