Content, Serene and Not incarcerated - Chuck (2025/1/26)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ


Sober Date 1990年12月4日

Translator : yu

Hi ESH folks I'm an alcoholic and I'm Chuck. Happy? Joyous? Free? I don't know... Maybe... now and then. When I finally was able to put down the drink, all I felt was exhaustion and relief. You'd never see me dancing with exhilaration on the rooftops. I never had nor now have the energy for such exuberance. I gotta remember that these words were written by a salesman, and a former drunk to boot. I doubt he would have presented his thoughts in anything but the most positive light, or else the program of recovery he came up with would never have sold so well.

However, I do remember my sordid past and have not shut the door on it. I set that as a benchmark. Looking back after quite a few 24 hours of lifes' ups and downs, I must say that I am doing comparatively well. I can't complain. Still not dancing on the rooftops with glee, but happy to say, still not drinking. Thanks for helping me stay that way.

Chuck S
Sherwood WI
Dec 4 1990

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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