ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
Sober Date 1990年12月4日
Translator : yu
Hi ESH friends I'm an alcoholic and I'm Chuck. Thank you Lin for this topic which actually crossed my mind this week and even today a couple times. Wow. What timing.
I may have been 2 or 3 years sober (yes- sometimes sloooowwllly) when I had this Aha! moment (or spiritual awakening as some folks put it) at a Tuesday night step meeting in Barrington, RI. I must have said something during my share on the topic that struck this elderly lady just the right way and resonated. I have no idea what it was, but right after the meeting Ellen came up to me and told me how much she appreciated what I said. Essentially, I received a compliment. How strange. How weird. Why? In most of my drinking life and even before, I was accustomed to receiving mostly criticism and insults and lashing back at it and feeling stupid. That was normal. I had no idea how to react, and of course, recognizing this compliment as something nice for a change, I didn't want to attack the poor lady. I think I just cringed awkwardly and made a funny face at her. She then very patiently told me "Sorry to make you feel uncomfortable, but just say Thank You and accept it!" I remember this experience with such clarity, as I do with a lot of my spiritual experiences of the educational variety, which puts it in a prominent place in my recovery toolbox. I do my best to use it when appropriate.
This weekend I am in Connecticut with my 3 sisters where we all grew up. There was a memorial service for a beloved family friend and it was great to see his kids, who I grew up with, and their kids, and to catch up. Wonderful conversation, lots of smiles and tears of joy. The kind of funeral I would like for myself, if I could afford it. Then we went to visit an elderly friend in an assisted living facility. All this time my sisters nudging me with annoyed faces making sure I don't say anything stupid or embarrassing. Hmmm... I think I am capable of navigating life pretty well otherwise, but around my sisters they seem to think I am a total goof. How I attempt to handle that using the tools of the AA program is a tale for another topic. As we were leaving, another resident struck up a conversation with me by complementing the beard on my face. Now THAT was weird! It seems I reminded her of her long dead father who was a famous writer who put out umpteen-dozen novels in his life. I remembered Ellen and that tool in my toolbox and, without even grimacing, I thanked her for the compliment. By doing nothing more than not shaving for most of my adult life, looking like her dear old dad and accepting it, I was able to bring some joy to her day, We continued to talk about her dad and his amazing life and I realized what I was doing and became very grateful for what I learned from Ellen so many years ago. Now, becoming aware of who her father was, I think I may read one of his books. I feel my life was enhanced. Going to bed now and reflecting on this day using Step Ten, I find it to be one of the most positive ones I've lived in sobriety in spite of maybe embarrassing my sisters, and probably no one else.
Thanks for listening. You people have been so wonderful to me and my sobriety. There- I said it. Just say thank you and accept it.
Chuck S
Sherwood WI
Dec 4 1990