Topic week Feb. 2 - Pam (2025/2/9)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
を、常にさまざまな形で実践し続けています。最初の日からの「降参」の状態は、毎日ステップ1とともに続いています。ドロシーありがとう。ごきげんよう、平安で ...。

Translator : yu

Good morning. Pam C., a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations to sobriety celebrants and welcome newcomers to ESH. Thank you, Dorothy for chairing this week and for your steadfast service to ESH. My experience with surrender…very much like yours. I’ve related my beginning in a meeting here a number of times… the morning I had coffee with Tex/Patty xxxx, three weeks at Duffy’s, home and a new life began. That’s the Readers Digest recap. In the restaurant when Tex and I talked she told me life did not have to be the horrible nightmare I was living. She offered an alternative, but I would have to leave home and family behind. Go away to a place where I would learn how to live without alcohol. It was my choice… go or stay. I asked her what would happen if I didn’t go. She said, “We will go home, unpack our suitcases and likely come to your funeral in a year.” That was enough to scare me…surrender. My sister in law was in the parking lot ready to drive us to Calistoga. At Duffy’s I was in a protected environment and will never know if I could have stayed sober otherwise. So much to learn and practice daily to live without drinking. To meet life as it comes daily…trust and faith. That is pretty much how the beginning happened. I am forever grateful for help that has come to me so many times from so many people. The twelve steps constantly operate in varying degrees. The state of surrender from day one continues with step one every day. Thank you, Dorothy. Stay well everyone. Peace…

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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