流されている? 気楽にやっている?とんでもない、絶対にありえません。私には関係のない話です。AAで用心することをほんの一瞬でも緩めたら、傲慢さが再び私を酒浸りの人生へと引き戻してしまうでしょう。そして、いずれ仲間たちは、私が何らかの癌で死んだと言うでしょう。おそらく、「脳の癌」だったのだろうと。
Translator : yu
Forwarding to the list for George.
Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Gary, for chairing.
Drifting? Coasting? No way, Jose. Not this guy. If I let my AA guard down for even a nanosecond, I’m afraid my arrogance would get me back into a lifetime drunk, friends soon claiming I died of some kind of cancer: Cancer of the brain, most likely .
I need to be aware every minute of every day that I am a recovering drunk, and that I must continue to “work the AA program.”
It is more than natural for drunks to drink—fast and often, claiming it’s naught but merrymaking. No way. Ain’t gonna B.S. myself again by not working my program to the best of my ability because, after all, if I don’t, that’s good reason to forget who and what I am.
Constantly, I must be aware that my higher power is running my show. I’m not. When I did run my show before I joined AA, look at the success I had, which was Zero, and the very reason I sought out the help of the AA old timers, offering advice at meetings, and afterward in a restaurant, where I learned to never let my guard down. And that’s the way it works for me.