Topic for Week of Jan. 7, 2024 - George (2024/1/7)  [Home]







Ellen Atkin
2322 Oakwood Drive
Lakeside, AZ 85929


月1のビジネスミーティングへ、ぜひ、ご参加ください。ビジネスリストにご登録ください。 .












Translator : mk



The structure of an ESH meeting is that the chairperson selects a topic for the week and anyone in the group has the option to share on that topic. In order to keep the postings to a minimum for the entire group, we suggest that personal messages be sent directly to that person, and not via the Group.

Comments should be closely related to recovery from alcoholism. "The ESH meeting will begin no earlier than Sunday morning any time after midnight EST and members are requested to post their shares no later than the following Saturday night at 11:59 PM EST." All members are encouraged to share their A.A. anniversary on their annual sobriety date. Tell the group what your life was like before AA, what happened, and what it's like today.

Also, please remember the cyber basket. Here is where you can mail your 7th Tradition Contributions:

Make all checks payable to:

Ellen Atkin
2322 Oakwood Drive
Lakeside, AZ 85929

PayPal contributions may be made to:

Please consider joining us at our monthly business meeting by signing up to join the Business List at .

ESH is always open to new members. Please refer potential new people to our website at :

If you're looking for a sponsor/someone willing to get you started.. (temporary or otherwise) please contact our Sponsorship List Keeper, Pam S, ( and she will gladly send a list of willing volunteers to you.


Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thanks to Sue G, I am this week's leader. I joined AA in February. In May, a pair of farm dogs had bad intentions as they chased after me the moment my bicycle and I made it to the top of a hill on a country road. The German shepherd and the Dalmatian meant to do me harm. The shepherd jumped on my back as the spotted mutt attacked the front tire with its jaws, halting the bike's forward travel. The bike and I flipped in the air and landed on the road. I heard my helmet thump twice. I was knocked unconscious. When I opened my eyes, I saw and heard a woman from a nearby farmhouse, talking to me. "Is there anything I can do?" she asked more than once.

I told her to go down the hill and warn motorists about me. I didn't want to be run over. I was hurt badly enough. Later, an ambulance appeared. The driver said, "One of your shoes is pointed in the wrong direction. You have a compound fracture at the hip. I fear you might also have a damaged spinal column." Then, he took me to Waupun Memorial Hospital, where an M.D. tried to straighten my left leg. I howled like a Banshee.

Next, the ambulance hauled me 70 miles northwest to University Hospitals in Madison, Wisconsin where I was asked to sign something, giving doctors freedom to help me. Strange, I couldn't bend my left arm to sign normally.

Much later, a nurse told me I had undergone eight hours of surgery. "What ran into you, a truck or train? Your left triceps lost its anchorage. Your left hip bone broke through the skin. You'll most likely need a replacement. Your right arm and thumb are fractured. You're lucky you had the best ortho doctors here work on you."

Is this the room? a woman asked. I recognized her voice. It belonged to Sally, the AA member who read off a dozen questions when I attended my first AA meeting because I didn't think I was an alcoholic. (Can you believe that)? She told me not to answer aloud, but if I answered privately more than one question in the affirmative, I was most likely an alcoholic. I purchased the questionnaire, took it home, and cut the number of affirmative answers down to eight.

Hi, Sally said, wearing a smile. Standing beside her was Jim, her boyfriend. Sally continued, "Your sponsor told me about your accident. So, Jim and I thought you might need a meeting."

I was astounded. What a tremendous feeling. People I'd known for mere hours had opted to drive one hundred forty miles out of their way to help me. I can't remember much of what we shared at that meeting, but afterward, I no longer felt sorry for myself.

For this week's topic, please share something an AA member, or members, did something nice for you that you haven't forgotten. As an option, share anything else.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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