どうやら私は、子供の頃から大人になるまで私と一緒に成長した、いくつもの "個人的な心配事 "を抱えていたようです。小さな恐れや不安のひとつひとつが、性格上の欠点を生み、それが成長して表面化して、私の "パーソナリティ" の一部となりました。嘘つき、詐欺師、泥棒になることを自分で目指した訳ではありません。時が経つにつれて自然にそうなったのです。 私が望んでいたのは、自分の肌に馴染むことだけでした。ただ、そうする以外の方法を知らなかっただけなのです。
ああ、私はまだちゃんと酔っ払っていたけれど、酒は恐怖を取り除いてくれなくなりました。とうとう私はジャンプ台にたどり着きました。ありがたいことに、私は AA へと導いてくれる晴れやかな瞬間に恵まれました。 私は、オールドタイマーたちが持っているものを最初から求めていて、そして私は、彼らがしたことをする意欲を与えられました。私の回復は、自分でやったことは何もなくて、すべて神がなさったことなのです。
に対する信頼と信仰が深まりました。心の内側がクリアになり、心の平穏が戻ってきました。 神への依存が増すにつれて、自分自身の心配事が減っていきました。私の性格的な欠点の多くは勝手に消えて行き、それらはもう必要で無くなりました。他の "防御 "の根は深く埋め込まれたままですが、これらも、もはや私の役には立たないことを完全に理解すれば、消えてなくなるでしょう。
私は AA での旅を始めるまで、自己中心的な恐れの中で生きていました。今日、私は神中心の信仰に生きています。私の
Translator : yu
Hi Everyone, Jeff, alcoholic
Apparently I developed a number of "personal concerns" when I was a kid that grew with me into adulthood. Each little fear and insecurity sprouted a character defect that grew above the surface and became a part of my "personality." I didn't set out to be a liar, a cheat and a thief. It happened naturally over time. All I ever wanted was to be comfortable in my own skin. I just didn't know any other way to go about it.
I was rarely caught lying, cheating and stealing, but I knew I was doing these things and as the guilt and shame grew, my inner peace went out the window and I became an expert at self justification. I drank against this anxiety for thirty years. This worked well for many years until it didn't.
Oh, I'd still get drunk all right, but the booze stopped taking the fear away. Finally I reached the jumping off point. Gratefully I was graced with a moment of clarity that led me to Alcoholics Anonymous. I wanted what the old-timers had from the very beginning and I was given the willingness to do what they did. My recovery is nothing I did and everything God did.
Little by little by applying the principles of our program to my daily life to the best of my ability, my belief and trust in my Higher Power has grown. I became cleaner inside and my peace of mind returned. As my reliance on God has increased, my concern about myself has decreased. Many of my character defects have fallen away of their own accord -- no longer needed. The roots of other "defenses" remain deeply embedded, but these too will disappear once I fully realize that they are no longer serving me.
I lived my whole life in self-centered fear until I began my journey in Alcoholics Anonymous. Today I live in God-centered faith. I absolutely believe that my Higher Power will get me out of any mess I get myself into. What's there to worry about?
Have a great sober week