Re: ESH-Topic for week of June 25, 2023 - Ellen (2023/7/1)  [Home]
Re: 今週のトピック



ある朝目が覚めたら、もう飲みたくなくなっていました。神と和解せずに、私は一体どうやって酒を止めるつもりだったのでしょう?でももし酒を止めなかったら、どうやって神と和解するつもりだったのでしょう?なんですって???!!!今となってはあれは、自分では出来ないことを、神様が私のためにしてくださったことだとわかります ...... 神はいつもそこにいて、私の人生を見守ってくれていて、無限の忍耐で待っていてくださったのです。


だからあの日の私の選択は、再びAAのドアを開くのを厭わないほどにオープンマインドでありました。実際に自分なりに理解する神とつながるには、さらに1年半かかりました。その間私はこう聞きました ...... 戻って来いよ、何があっても酒を飲んではいけない、我々が信じているものを信じるのですよ、と。私は「神」という言葉を冒頭に置かずに、平安の祈りを祈ることを学びました。私はミーティング会場で、宇宙は「良い秩序の方向」にあるのだという考えを聞きました。そして私は大声で、それが天使であろうと、宇宙人であろうと、緑や紫の存在であろうと、ブリキ帽の人々であろうと ...... 関係無いのだと泣き叫びました。私はようやく、ビルの物話の中で、「自分自身で神の概念を選ぶ」という提案を「聞いた」のです。本当に?そんなことができるのですか?

の2箇所の文章 ... 「神が存在するか、存在しないかだ (p53)」「神がいないと言うお前は何者なのだ? (p56)」... を聞いた時、腹の底から大きな屈辱を感じました。まさに吸い込まれるような感じでした。

を「大いなる神秘」と紹介しました)時には時間がかかることもあります。でも... 今日、私は創造主から裁かれているとは感じていません。彼は私が完璧ではないことを知っています。私は今でも、自分の思考と自分の心情を一致させることに、ひどく苦労しています。でも...神様だけは、私の心をわかっています。私は、私が自分自身に課しているでたらめを見下ろして、目を閉じたまま頭を振り、これは痛いぞと呟く神様を想像します。そして私はこう信じています。私が学ぶべきどんな試練においても、神様は私を導いてくださると。こうして、私はソーバーでいるのです。


Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober, today.

I was never going to be good enough for the god I was raised with knowing, so I accepted that I was going to die at Armageddon and because I had a young son and was responsible for his soul as his parent, he was going to die with me. Who wouldn't drink over that soul-crushing devastation?

Then, I woke up one morning and didn't want to drink anymore. How was I going to stop drinking if I didn't reconcile to God? But, how was I going to reconcile to God if I didn't stop drinking? WHAT???!!! Today, I know that was God doing for me what I could not do for myself... He had always been there, watching over my life, waiting in His infinite patience.

I had already found out that AA was a spiritual program. I had left the rooms at one time because of that very thing. I also knew that people stay sober all day, every day, in AA. AA was where I needed to go if I didn't want to drink, again. AA would show me how to live life without alcohol. AA would also show me how to do the God-thing. Those thoughts were the gifts of hope and faith that I received that morning.

So, I guess my choice on that day was to be open-minded enough and willing enough to walk through the doors of Alcoholics Anonymous, once again. It would take another year and a half to actually make a connection to a God-of-my-understanding. In the meantime, I heard ... keep coming back, don't pick up a drink no matter what, believe that we believe. I learned to say the Serenity Prayer without putting the word 'God' at the beginning. I heard in the rooms the idea of the universe being 'Good Orderly Direction' and I would scream, holler, cry at whatever/whoever was out there... whether it be angels, martians, green or purple beings, tin foil hat people... it didn't matter. I finally 'heard' in Bill's story the suggestion to 'choose our own conception of God'. Really? I could do that?

Having already reconciled to the fact of an intelligent creator, all I could come up with (at that time) was, God is love. So, when I finally heard the two sentences in the BB - "God either is, or He isn’t." p53 and "Who are you to say there is no God?" p56 - I felt a great humbling in the pit of my stomach. Very similar to a sucker-punch.

From that point forward, anything I do not or cannot understand goes under the Great Mystery part of the God-of-my-understanding (my first AA mentor was a Native American shaman and he introduced his Higher Power as the Great Mystery). Sometimes, that takes time. But... I do not feel judged by my Creator, today. He knows I am not perfect. I still struggle mightily with getting my head to cooperate with my heart. But... only He knows my heart. I imagine Him looking down at the bullsh*t I put myself through, shaking His head with His eyes closed, saying... this is gonna hurt. And, I have faith that He will guide me through whatever lessons I need to learn. And, with that, I stay sober.

Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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