God is everything - Bruce (2023/7/2)  [Home]

は1976/12/29 です。ここまで私を助けてくれたすべてのAAメンバーに感謝します。



Translator : yu

Forgive me for double dipping this week. I'm Bruce DOS 12/29/1976 Grateful to all AA members who have helped me make it this far.

In my drinking career, I came home drunk many many times. Three of those times I was so drunk I could not fit the key into the doorknob. No problem! I just kicked in the door breaking the door jamb. One of those times I also put my fist through the French window next to the door.

So, when I arrived at AA and was told by some I could make a door knob my higher power I had to laugh. No door knob had kept me from my appointed rounds. Although a lot of folks fall back on this old canard as a substitute for God as a higher power I could not. I was too desperate. I was not in any shape to argue about or with God. I was scared of God but I knew that if He did not help me I had no hope for survival. I do not believe that it was ever intended for us in AA to fashion our own god as we would some kind of idol. I simply started with an open and surrendered mind. What helped along this path was dealing with all my resentments about God and religious people. What has happened in my experience is my understanding and appreciation for God has changed as I have sought Him and He has revealed Himself to me. Most religious groups have their litmus test of doctrines, and I can appreciate the purpose of this now, but I needed AA's acceptance of me where I needed to start my spiritual journey. If that is you and a doorknob now, then great, but don't hang there longer than you have to.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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