Re: Weekly topic 5/19/3024 - Ellen (2024/5/24)  [Home]
Re: 5月19日の週間トピック




グラウンディング グラウンディングとは、自己意識を向上させ、内面と外界とのバランスを取ることを指します。具体的には、地に足をつけて自分の存在を確かなものとして感じ、現実に目を向け、心を落ち着かせることで、心身の安定感や安定した状態を保つためのプラクティスです。地味に健康、精神的な健康、感情的な面とは直接関係があります。
、受け入れること、そして感謝の気持ちで一日を始めることができました。まだ学ぶべきことはたくさんあり、それにはあらゆる面での決意を持った変化への取り組みが必要です。身体的、精神的、感情的、そして霊的な面での変化です。しかし、神、AA、そして私を愛してくれる人々が支え、導いてくれます。お酒に手を出さなければ、人生の最後まで生き延びることができるかもしれません。 (^^


Sober Date 2003年1月21日

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober, and alive, today.

Change. To me, change is synonymous with challenge, and I was never taught to overcome challenges. I lived life by default and went wherever the winds took me, as long as I didn't feel pain. If pain was involved (any kind) or if it was 'too hard', I would escape, retreat. After a lifetime of this being my modus operandi, the biggest change for me at the age of forty-three was making the decision to stop drinking. Those winds I surfed on throughout my life suddenly became a whole nuther story! The miracle of it all, I faced change after change with the faith that as long as I didn't pick up a drink and went to meetings... the program and fellowship of AA, the universe (in actuality, a God who I hadn't yet come to understand)... would show me how to stay sober and face anything that came down the road.

Be careful what you ask for! haha. I was handed change after change that looking back, I can only see that it was God seeing me through it all... it wasn't me. I had to learn not to retreat. I had to learn to calmly face whatever was in front of me and do the next right/indicated thing, even when... and especially when... I didn't know what the result was going to be. Sometimes, the result was beyond sad, beyond hurtful... to the point of almost breaking me, but I stayed sober. When I look back at my life thus far in sobriety, I see myself standing here with my mouth open in astonishment.

Recently, I was given some very difficult, life-changing, irreversible news about my health. I feel as though I have three separate ticking time-bombs in my body and all we can do is monitor and wait. And, in the waiting I have to change my mindset and my physical habits in order not to make things worse. What I have normally done can no longer be a part of my daily living and dreams for the future. Just yesterday, I crumbled. One thing the AA program has taught me... get help. My husband, a good friend and AA mentor, my doctors... they were all there to give me wise counsel. I was able to shift into my day with prayer, grounding, acceptance, and gratitude. There are still many things to learn and that will involve a determined focus on change... in all ways... physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. But, God, AA and those who love me are here to support and guide... as long as I don't pick up a drink, I may just survive until the end of my life. :)

Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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