criticism - Kitza (2023/4/20)  [Home]

皆さん、こんばんは。アルコホーリクのキッツァです。今日は私のAAのバースデーです ――1982年4月20日です。この年月が経ったなんて信じられません。自分の飲酒の問題で初めてAAの会場に足を踏み入れたとき、私は完全にボロボロで、誰に対しても何に対しても批判的でした。私は批評家のように振る舞い、一生懸命に他人を貶めようとしていました。まるで自分が他の人たちより優れているかのように。でも本当は、自分自身について肯定的に語れることがほとんどなかったから、その弱さを隠そうとしていただけだったのです。AAのおかげで、その考え方を変えることができ、今では会う人に褒め言葉を贈ろうと心がけています。また、私に批判的な人に対しても同じように接するよう努力しています。アラスカの村でK-12(幼稚園から高校まで)の学校の校長をしていたときには、ありとあらゆる罵り言葉を浴びせられました。さらに、子どもたちは本当に人の欠点を指摘するのが得意ですからね。私はすぐに図太い心を持つことを学びました。たいていの場合、子どもたちは誰かに話を聞いてもらいたい、ただ自分をありのままに愛し、尊重してもらいたいと願っているだけでした。時間が経つにつれ、多くの生徒が私のところに戻ってきて、自分の行動を謝ってくれました。また、多くの親たちからも批判を受けました。そういうときには状況を振り返り、「何を変えられただろうか」「これから前に進むために何が必要だろうか」と自分に問いかけました。私は毎日の生活の中で、


Translator : yu

Good evening to you all, Kitza an alcoholic. Today is my AA birthday 4/20/82 I can't believe it has been that long. When I first walked into the rooms for my own drinking I was a mess and was pretty critical of everyone and everything. I was the critic and worked hard on demeaning anyone I could. Like I was one up on everyone. But really it was just a cover up because I didn't have a whole lot of positive to say about myself. Thanks to AA I have turned that around and try to compliment those I meet and those who are critical to me. When I was principal of a K-12 school in the villages of AK I would be called every name in the book. Plus kids are real good at taking your inventory. I learned real quick to get a tough skin. Most of the times the kids were crying for someone to listen to them or just love them and respect them for who they are. Sooner or later many of the students would come back to me and apologize to me for their behavior. Also many parents have been critical of me along the way. I would think about a situation and evaluate and ask myself, what could I have changed and what needs to be done to move forward. I used the 12 steps of the program everyday of my life. One village I was in I started an AA meeting. The village is up in the arctic and only way in or out is plane. Lots of alcohol flows there. I had the meeting in the fire hall. No one showed up, ever. But every Tuesday night I would get on the VHF and say AA meeting in the fire hall tonight, come on down. I would have Students come into my office and say I heard you on the VHF. What are those meetings. I had one person come up to me in the street and tell me not to announce those meetings because I was messing with his drinking. I laughed and told him maybe he need to join me. Living in a village I learned real quick to not take criticism to heart, it would eat me up. I am so happy to be sober today and share my BD with all of you. Have a wonderful evening.


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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