の方法を見つけることが必要です)、私は批判を聞いて、一息つきます。そして、自分に落ち度があったのか、重要なのか、批判の出どころが信頼できるのか、信憑性があるのか、関係があるのかを考えます。もしそれが自分に関係することであれば、それを受け止めて改善することが求められます。修正が必要なら、それも私の責任です。もちろん、その批判が自分とは関係ないと気づくこともあります。私が初めて批判を受けても自己破壊や自己非難に陥らなかったときのことを、昨日のことのように覚えています。そのとき私はすべて正しいことをしていて、しかし自分の休暇日に勤務が割り当てられたと、勤務区分リーダーに非難されたのです。しかもそのリーダー自身が私の休暇申請書に署名し、承認を推奨していたのです。私は自分がこう言っているのを聞きました。「そう感じられるのはお気の毒ですが、副リーダーも休暇申請書に署名しましたよ ―― あなたが署名した直後にね。」
後になって血圧が落ち着き、恥ずかしさの痛みが頬から消えると、「この気持ちが本当に嫌だ」と思い始めます。そして、そこから自分の役割を見つめ直し、最初の出来事で自分が果たした部分と、その批判に対する自分の過剰な反応を認識して受け入れることになります。本来なら最初にやるべきだったセルフチェックを(もう遅いですが)ここで行うのです。元の出来事について謝罪する必要がないかもしれません —— 結局それは相手の問題だったかもしれません —— しかし、自分の反応によって生じた残骸は整理しなければなりません。その後、維持に関して自分が何を怠っていたのかを評価し、軌道に戻るための行動計画(
Translator : yu
Hi, everyone. My name is Dave and I am an alcoholic. Thanks for a great lead, Jack, and a thoughtful topic. Welcome to all and congrats to AA (and HP!) for any milestones we celebrate this week. The program works!
How do I take criticism? That all depends on whether or not I’m doing what Jack talked about in the first line of his lead — am I maintaining a fit spiritual condition?
If I’m “on the beam” (which for me requires meetings, prayer, contact with other alcoholics, getting enough sleep, regular exercise, eating regularly, staying out of my head, being grateful, and finding ways to be of service), I listen and pause. Have I fallen short? Does it matter? Is the source of the criticism reliable? Credible? Relevant? If it’s my stuff, I get to own it and do better. If an amend is indicated, that’s on me, too. Of course, I may also realize that the criticism has nothing to do with me. I remember like it was yesterday the first time in sobriety I was criticized and didn’t collapse into self-sabotage and recrimination — I realized that I had done everything right and was now being called out by my watch section leader because he had scheduled me for watch on a day I was on leave — and he had signed that leave chit, recommending approval. I heard myself saying, “I’m sorry you feel that way. But the XO signed my leave chit — right after you did.”
Of course, if I’m not taking care of the essentials (maintenance of my spiritual condition), I’ll REACT from fear and then probably attack in anger (second emotion) I sure as hell won’t see any role or responsibility I had, and I will let them know it.
Later, when my blood pressure is back down and the sting of shame has left my cheeks, I’ll start thinking that I hate the way I feel. That will lead me to look at my part, identify and acknowledge my part in the initial event spurring the criticism AND my overblown reaction to that criticism and do the self-check I should have done in the first place (too late for the pause!). I may not have to make amends for the original event — it might have been their stuff, after all — but I need to clear up the wreckage my reaction. Then I get to assess what I’ve been missing in the way of maintenance and plot a course of action ( sponsor, prayer, gratitude, service, etc) to get back on the beam.
Bottom line here is that maintaining my fit spiritual condition is way easier than the other way.
Love and peace from a cool-ish and cloudy Moseley, VA,
David xxxx