Re: topic for January 14 - Ellen (2024/1/20)  [Home]
Re: 1月14日のトピック










Translator : kj

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Great question, Debbie, for I have wrestled with this issue for a very long time. By my very nature, I am tender-hearted and a caregiver. When I am asked for help, my immediate response has always been to jump in the trench and do what was necessary. I have learned the hard way that I cannot always do this... it is not always the right thing to do, for myself or the person wanting' the help.

Drunk, suicidal, belligerent, a danger to themselves or others... when even the police, EMTs, hospital, mental-health professionals, legal system refuse to help a chronic alcoholic... when I have asked my fellow AA members for advice in what to do with specific situations... sometimes, the only answer is to remove myself from danger and ramp up the prayers. This is not always easy to do by a long shot, but in many cases must be done. Many times, I cry and cry as my heart breaks. And then, I say a prayer for myself. Sometimes, I become very angry. That helps no one. I then turn to prayer, meetings, spiritual principles and the support and love of my fellow AAs.

I must put the oxygen mask on myself first before I jump in the trench. I cannot give away what I don't have.

I have been taught not to talk with anyone when they are drunk. Some people are very good at masking that they are drinking, especially on the phone, and because of my naivete (even at this age) I can fall down the rabbit hole sooner than most. Twelve step calls/visits are a different animal. Two people on a visit is a must. Prayer always. This in effect provides a 'group conscience' (three on a Twelve Step visit), if you will.

The one lesson that has taken me FOREVER to learn is... I cannot want recovery for anyone else more than they want it for themself. ugh. Enter Alanon. I have to let them hit their bottom, no matter what that bottom may be.

I have a very long list of people I pray for. I am not in charge. God is. I have faith that my HP is in cahoots with their HP, even when and especially when they don't know it.

This is my experience, yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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