Topic share - Lin (2023/10/19)  [Home]


1. 私はここしばらくの間、同じようなことを繰り返していたことに気がつきました。起床し、神様にその日の指示を仰ぎ、今日一日の生活と

私は回復する過程において、何度か倦怠期を経験しました。 私にとってそれは非常に危険な時期でした。私にとっては......それは、自分自身に、この仕事をしたのに、なぜか対価を得られなかったという絶対的な惨めさをもたらすものであり、また、自分の世界で起きたこと、あるいは起きるかもしれないことに、ただ逆らって抵抗しているだけのことであったからです。神様が定めた生活 ... 好むと好まざるとに関わらず、それが私の現実なのです。倦怠期になると ... 私の場合は ... 神様の意志に逆らってふてくされていることを自分で認めようとしていないのです。もし私が死ななければ...私は年老いていきますが、それが死ぬことよりも悪く見えることもあります。でも、このまま放っておいたら、残りの人生を棒に振ることになります。私はアルコホリックだから ... 人生における格言は自然に出てくるものではありません。私はその格言を実際に行動に移さなければならないし、自分の人生が終わって死ぬのをただ待つだけにしないようにしなければなりません。その前に酒を飲むことだってできるのです。さて...私にとっては... これは私の経験であり、他の誰の経験でもありません。実際に感謝することは私にとって大切であります。私はそれを、日々の生活に意図的に適用しています。自分の人生の中で、本当に感謝しているものすべてに真剣に目を向けるのです。最近、ある仲間が自分の家のゴミ出しを感謝のリストに挙げているのを見ました。彼は、ゴミをまとめてどこかのゴミ捨て場に運ぶ必要がないことに感謝していました。私は現在は外で酒を飲んで、かろうじて毎日を生き延びているわけではないので、自分がどれだけ多くの、ささやかな便利な事柄に囲まれているかを考えさせられました。私はまた、地元の依存症のミーティングにも感謝の気持ちを持っています ...
としてではなく ... ただのメンバーとして、かろうじてシラフの女性や、時には男性たち、そこで頑張ってやっていけるかどうかわからないような新しい仲間たちと、時間を共有しています。そして私は、自分よりも早く衰えてしまいそうなオールドタイマーの仲間たちとも時間を過ごします。彼らは私のような仲間を必要としているし、私も彼らを必要としています。この最後に挙げた取り組みは、あまり時間がかかりませんが、それを実行すると本当に奇跡的なのです。

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
の仕事を経験してきました。 何年も前の会計係から、挨拶係/
は、おそらく今年が現役最後の年になります。 私はこのグループを楽しんでいるし、私が司会の仕事を引き受けた「唯一の」理由は、3月という時期で、司会の仕事をする仲間がいなかったからです。今年は他の主な仕事がカバーされているのが幸いです。私はまだミーティングの司会を務め、自宅のZoomミーティングで確認メールを送り、そのグループのチェアマンを確保します。ヒューストンの2つのクラブの会費を払っています。 いろいろなことをやっています ... しかし、私がそれをするのは、たいてい ... これらのことが何年もかけて展開され、何か新しいことや違うことが出てくるたびに、私がそこにいてそれをやり遂げることができたということ ... たとえそれが不自由だったとしても ... そして、そうしている間に起こった「自分の人生が好きだから」という理由で、喜んでステップアップをしたのです。

Sober Date 1985/6/3
Dryden, NY USA

Sober Date 1985/5/20

Translator : yu

Hi all Lin Chamberlain, Alcoholic and sober since I got here on May 20, 1985 and exceptionally grateful for that fact. Welcome to anyone who is new and congrats to anyone celebrating milestones.

1. I have been finding myself going through the motions with life for a while now. I get up, ask for direction for the day, say thank you for another day of life and sobriety, and then do whatever my normal is for the day. I feel very little in the way of ambition, however its absence is notable. I get to a meeting if I can, and often take naps in the evening just to get through the day faster. I have no motivation to do anything (and of course, there is plenty of larger projects to do!) I don't know if I would call this complacency or what. Any thoughts on how to get motivated to do stuff would be helpful.

I have gone through several periods of the blahs in my recovery. For me they are exceedingly dangerous times. For me...that is because I am either doing absolute misery to myself because somehow I did all this work and didn't get what I paid for OR I am simply resisting something that has happened or may happened in my world and I don't agree with it. Life on God's my reality, whether I like it or not. When I go to the blahs...for me....I am not even willing to admit to myself that I am resisting God's Will and I am pouting. If I don't DIE..I get OLD and sometimes that looks worse than death to me. But If I leave myself in that hole, I risk missing the rest of my life. I am an alcoholic...the nouns of life don't come naturally to me. I have to use them as verbs in my life and not leave myself waiting for it to be over and my death. I could drink before I get there. Now..for ME... again...this is my experience not anyone else's. Actual gratitude works for me. I apply it deliberately to my everyday life. Seriously looking at everything I have in my life that I am truly grateful for. Recently I saw a guy list the garbage pick up at his house on his gratitude list. He was being grateful that he doesn't have to pack up his garbage and carry it to a dump somewhere. Made me think of how many little conveniences I have, because I am not out there drinking and barely surviving day to day. I also take my gratitude to a local detox meeting and I share time...not as a sponsor...just as a member with women and some days men who are barely sober and don't know if they can hang in there and do it. And I spend some time with other old timers who are failing faster than I am. They need my company and I need them. Those last items don't take much time but when I do them it is indeed miraculous.

2. We are at the time of year when ESH is looking for members to step up and serve in some fairly easy positions for the next year. No one will have to do their job without the previous year's servant assisting them to get settled in. I have served as Listkeeper for at least 5 years now (honestly, I've lost track of how long!) yet no one is stepping up to take on the position. Each position ensures that the group will continue for the next year and beyond. My experience has been that I get to greet the incoming members, and learn a little bit of their story ahead of the rest of the group. I also have a reason to stay connected to the group, as I have a position of service. I wonder if people want ESH to continue? Service is where the words become actions. I was taught that when dealing with newcomers, I should believe their actions before their words. I feel this is applicable here as well. My actions show that I am a grateful member of Alcoholics Anonymous, and am grateful for my sobriety, which would not exist if it weren't for AA groups. I still hold a job or two in my f2f homegroup as well, and for similar reasons (gratitude and a wish for AA to continue.)

I have over the years had several jobs in the ESH group. From treasurer many many years ago to greeter/sponsor list keeper to business moderator and now secretary. I have always avoided your listkeeper job because I am truly not computer literate and I thought it required that to be able to understand and take care of the technical side of it. I could be wrong....but at 76 I don't think I am up to it now. This is my last year in service here for a while or maybe forever. I enjoy this group and the ONLY reason I took the mod job was because it was like March and we didn't have one. We are fortunate this year that the other main jobs are covered. I still chair meetings, send out verification email in my home Zoom meeting, and secure chairmen for that group. I pay dues to 2 clubs in Houston. I do a lot of stuff...... but mosly I do it because .....these things unfolded through the years and each time something new or different came up I was there, could do it...even inconvenitently...and was just willing enough to step up BECAUSE I LIKE MY LIFE that just happened while I was doing them.

I hope you can find something to share on each topic, but if not, pick one. I look forward to shares from group members who regularly share, and would love to be surprised by some shares from members who normally just read along.
Lisa Hens
SD 6/3/85
Dryden, NY USA

Thank you for letting me share
Lin Chamberlain
SD 5/ 20/85
Houston, Tx USA

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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