とは、プロセスなのです。私たちの多くはそのやり方を学び、そして教わったステップを忘れ(あるいは無視して)、そしてまた (AAを) 出ていきます。私がこれまで見てきた中で最も素晴らしいのは、ソーバーになり、飲んでしまって、また再びソーバーになった人たちのことです!正直なところ、私にはそれができるかどうかわかりません!
私は人生の大半を他人より "劣っている" と感じ、人からどう思われるかを恐れて過ごしてきました、特に最初の夫に対してそうでした。前にも書きましたが、ソーバーになって6ヶ月後、夫は離婚をしたいと言い出しました。それで私は再び飲んでしまいましたが、その代わりに私は自分の価値に気づくことができました!彼はシラフのナンシーを相手にできなかったのです。私は養育費をほとんど受け取れず、怯えていました。どうしたと思いますか?私たちはうまくやりました!娘たちは節約とお金の扱い方を学びました ー 彼女達はその子供達にも教えています。(余談:現在、元夫は子供たちと接触しておらず、孫たちにも会ったことがありません。これといったことは起こらず、彼はただ消えていっただけです)
AAの皆さんが私を導き、支え、励まし、応援してくれました。AA は「取り組みさえすれば、必ず実現」します。
Nancy Shaw
Translator : yu
I'm Nancy and I'm alcoholic.
Good topic, Dorothy. I love the promises. I carry a copy on a little card in my wallet.
The part at the end that you didn't quote is also very helpful to me:
"Are these extravagant promises? We think not! They are being fulfilled among us - Sometimes quickly. They will always materialize if we work for them."
This bit has always given me hope. I could not believe that I would ever stop drinking, but these few sentences told me they weren't extravagant promises. Sobriety could happen to ME! In the rooms of my first meetings I saw the evidence that I could be normal again. The histories that I heard from some of the other drunks was worse than I could ever imagine, yet, here they were now, being normal. Although it was said it could happen quickly, I doubted and still doubt that that was true. Sobriety is a process. Many of us learn how to do it, forget (or just ignore) the steps we are taught, then go out again. The most amazing thing I have ever seen is those who get sober, get drunk, and get sober again! In all honesty, I'm not sure I could do that!
I think this Promise is one I saw work for me:
"Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us."
I spent a lot of my life feeling "less than" and afraid of what people thought of me, especially my first husband. As I've mentioned before, 6 months after I sobered up, he wanted a divorce. That could have started me drinking again, but instead it helped me realize my own worth! He couldn't deal with Sober Nancy. I received very little money for child support and was terrified. Guess what? We did fine! My daughters learned to economize and how to handle money - a gift they're teaching their kids. (Aside: Currently, the ex has no contact with his children and has never met the grandkids. Nothing big happened, he just faded away.)
All y'all guided, supported, encouraged, and cheered for me. AA "works if you work it."
Thanks for letting me share.
Nancy Shaw