God -- Everything or Nothing - Clipper (2023/7/3)  [Home]


ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

先週のトピックについて一言。私は ティナが私たちに話してくれたことの多くに同意しているので、短くまとめることができます。私はかつて教会に行っていて、若い頃はアコライト(教会に仕える者)でしたが、自分にとって "神 " が何を意味するかを理解するのに苦労しました。この
の面白い点は、神が必要であると言いながらも、神を機能的にしか定義していないところ 〜 自分を宇宙の中心から連れ出して遠ざけてくれるものならなんでも良いという点です。私は、水素のような最も単純な元素から、私たちを含む宇宙のあらゆる複雑性まで、宇宙の起源と進化について手に入る本はすべて読んでいます。その不思議な進行中のプロセスの存在の、私はその一部であり、他のどの部分よりも良くも悪くもなく、特別でもないという知見は、謙虚であり、自由であり、私にとって十分神と言えるのです。

Chester County PA

Translator : yu

Greetings all,

I'm Clipper, an alcoholic. Computer problems yesterday so this is a day late, with my apologies. My thirteenth anniversary was yesterday, and I am very grateful for every sober day. It so happened that at my first AA meeting 13 years ago a member announced that it was his 13th anniversary. While he received the congratulations of all present, I vividly remember how deflating it was for me, "No way will I ever be able to go 13 years without a drink!" Of course that was faulty thinking, and it took some time for me to realize that all of us don't drink one day at a time. So, when I hear in this room week after week anniversaries announced of 20, 30, 40 and more years, I am inspired rather than deflated, and understand that in the most important sense, we all have the same anniversary -- we got through yesterday, and that's what I tell newcomers at their first meeting.

A brief word on last week's topic if I may. I subscribe to much of what Tina said to us, so I can keep this short. I was raised churchgoing, was an acolyte as a youngster, but struggled for many years thereafter trying to understand what "God" meant to me. One of the ingenious things about the Program is its insistence that a God is necessary but defines God only functionally -- whatever gets me out of the center of the universe, and keeps me out, will do just fine. I read everything I can get my hands on (written for laypersons) about the origin of the universe and evolution from the simplest of elements like hydrogen to all the complexities of the universe, including us. The existence of that wondrous, ongoing process, and the knowledge that I am a part of it, no better or worse and no more special than any other part, is humbling and freeing and God enough for me.

I wish serenity for all of you.
Chester County PA

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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