Re: [ESH] ESH-Topic for week of June 25, 2023 - Debbie (2023/6/26)  [Home]
Re: 今週のトピック


子供の頃はカソリックで育ち、神との関係を持っていました。でも、酒とドラッグに溺れたとき、それは失われました。 たまに教会に立ち寄っては、神様に挨拶をして、数分間内省をしていました。でも、このミーティングに入って、自分がこのグループを
として使っていることに気づきました。それから私は、"Good", "Ordinary", "Direction" (順当な方向)の頭文字をとって、"God" 神としました。数年後、仕事に行かなければならなくなるまで、私はこの道(グループ?)を歩み続けましたが、その後はグループを持ちませんでした。このとき、私は本当に神を見つけたのです。


Translator : yu

Thanks Louise And congratulations on your upcoming anniversary.

I was raised catholic as a kid and I did have a relationship with god but when I hit the streets drinking and drugging that was lost. Once in a while I would stop in the church and say hi to god and reflect for a few minutes. But then I came into these rooms and found I was using the group as my higher power. Then I also used the acronym good orderly direction for god. I continued on this path until a couple years went by and I had to go to work and I didn't have the group anymore. This is when I really found god.

I was employed by lyola University which is a Catholic University which is a Catholic University. And they had a chapel and the lake right? There and I started going to the lake every day and started praying and turning my day over to my higher power. I did this everyday for almost 13 years or course. I had developed a deep relationship with god and always have learned to turn my day over too and ask for help from him. This is what saved me from going insane And calmed down the committee that would constantly be going back and forth in my head. During this time the saying what would jesus do was popular and Helped me a lot Besides the fact I started going to alanon to Live with other people. So whenever I am stressed I turn to my higher power for help.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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