皆さん、こんにちは。アルコホーリクのジョージです。ボビーさん、ありがとう。司会をしてくれて。早く元気になってくださいね。私は、生きながらえています。アルコホーリクス・アノニマスのおかげです。元 制御不能酔っ払い野郎のおかげです。私も、たくさんの「今日一日」の以前には、死んでもよかったのです。早く、死んでしまいたかったのです。でも、そんなとき、AAに出会いました。いまでは、はっきりと、分かります。失ったものが何で、本当に残念だったことが。
Translator : mk
Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Bobbie, for chairing. I hope your health is fast improving. I have a life, thanks to Alcoholics Anonymous and a bunch of former out-of-control drunks. I, too, was ready for death those many twenty-four hours ago; I looked forward to my early demise, but then AA happened. I can now clearly see what I would have missed, and that would have been a shame.
In the last two years, two great-grandsons have appeared on the scene. My higher power has a name, Gus, which stands for Guy or Gal Upstairs. Gus has wanted me to be a happy camper ever since I discovered him. There were times I fought him, but not for long, thankfully. And that's the way it works for me.