ルイーズ、今週のトピックとシェアをありがとう。回復したアルコホリックのトニーです、 今週も皆さんとご一緒できることを感謝しています。
が次のような話をするまで同じようなジレンマに直面したことがあると話してくれました。「"神はいない "と決めつけ、その決断を元に自分の人生を生きてきた。そして、私が死ぬ時に、本当に神が存在することを知るのだ。ー だから何? 論理的で、そして最も安全な選択肢は、神が存在するかのように私の人生を生きることだ。そしてもし神がいないとわかったとしても、私は何を失うのだろうか。そちらの方が、きっと私には得るものの方が多いんだ!」
Tony in Johannesburg.
Translator : yu
Greetings All
Thank You Louise for this week's topic and your share. I'm Tony a recovered alcoholic, grateful to be with you again this week.
In my search for the God of my understanding, I read much, listened a lot and took many actions, initially leading me into a cul-de-sac, of confusion. Chapter Four was my saving grace, and 'what is our choice to be?' a question I could not ignore.
My sponsor Bill M told me he had faced a similar dilemma, until his sponsor had related the following. "What if I decided there is no God, and lived my life around this decision, and when I died discovered that there really is a God - then what? Logically, and the safest option is to live my life as if God exists, and if I find there is no God, then what have I lost. Surely I have more to gain!
I followed Bill's example and that of his sponsor. I commenced to rely on and take direction from the Spirit of the Universe. I've discovered that my life has taken a huge U-turn from the life I had before AA.
Thanks for being here for me again this week. I trust that your God will grant you Peace and Serenity through the coming days.
Tony in Johannesburg.