Step 7 & Self-Centered Fear - Dominic (2023/6/25)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

12&12にはこんな珠玉の言葉があります:「我々の欠点の主な原因となっているのは、自己中心的な恐れ ー すでに手にしているものを失うのではなかという恐れ、要求するものが手に入らないのではないかという恐れ ー である。満たされない要求の上に生きていたため、我々は不穏な状態と欲求不満の状態にあった。そのため、これらの要求を減らす手段を見つけなければ、平穏は得られなかった。"demand" (要求) とシンプルなリクエストの違いは、誰の目にも明らかである」

に取り組み、毎日神に委ねる練習をする中で、私は次のことを学びました。ステップ7は、私の性格的な欠点を取り除いていただくための、神への謙虚で、しかし大きなお願いだということです。しかし、ステップ6と同様に、これは私自身は何もせず、天の執事である神に私の性格の欠点を取り除いてもらうという受動的なものではありません。私はまずステップ3の提案に従って、自分の意志を神の意志と一致させ続けなければなりません。そうすることが私の経験ですが、最初私はそうしなくて、ステップ7に到達しても、依然として自分の性格的欠点 ー つまり、他の人や神に対しての敵対的な行動 ー にしがみついていたかったのです。謙虚にお願いするということは、心から、つまり私たちの最奥の自分からお願いするということを意味します。


1) 神を何よりも恐れること。一線を外れたら罰せられるというような神への恐れではなく、聖なる神への恐れを持つこと。それは、私の核心に深い畏敬の念、そして神への畏敬を持つこと、彼こそが神であり私は神ではないということ。そして、もし私が今日持っている神とのつながりを失ってしまったら、今日の私の人生がどれほど恐ろしいものになってしまうかを理解することです。私が今理解しているように、神への畏れこそが、創造主によってあらかじめデザインされた、私の恐れにふさわしい場所なのです。もし私が神を恐れなければ、私は人間や世の中の多くのものを恐れるでしょう。私は人生の大半をこのように生きてきました!
2) 神を何よりも恐れるとき、私は本当の意味で、自己中心的な恐れが見えるようになり、恐れるべきでないものを恐れるけれども、それは神への信頼によって克服することができます。また、私の恐れが見当違いであったために、自分が思っていたほど神に頼りきっていなかったこともこのことで分かりました。これは 私たち夫婦にとって、恐れと自由に関する概念を変えるものでした!私たちは二人とも、これらのことをよく説明している目を見張るような新しい本(

Dominic D.
San Clemente, CA

Translator : yu

Good Afternoon ESH!

Thanks Laura for chairing this week and for your topic. Congratulations to anyone celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Congratulations to Dave W. on 37 years, and Suanne G. with 22 years this week! Awesomeness!! Two great examples of living the life, and what was called in the early era of AA, “The AA Way Of Life!” Welcome to anyone new to ESH!

Topic: The Seventh Step.
The 12 & 12 gives us this particular gem: "The chief activator of our defect has been self-centered fear—primarily fear that we would lose something we already possessed or would fail to get something we demanded. Living upon a basis of unsatisfied demands, we were in a state of continual disturbance and frustration. Therefore, no peace was to be had unless we could find a means of reducing these demands. The difference between a demand and a simple request is plain to anyone."

Dominic recovered alcoholic. I’ve learned through many times working the 12-steps and a daily surrender to God practice that step 7 is my humble, yet big ask to God to remove my character defects. Yet, like with step 6, this isn’t a passive, Dominic do nothing, and ask God as my celestial butler to remove my character defects. I must first continue to align my will with God’s Will per the instruction in Step 3. In doing so, my experience is that I didn’t the first time, nor any time, arrive at step 7 still wanting to hold onto my character defects--that is, behaviors that are objectional to others and to God. To humbly ask to me means from the heart, our innermost self.

I agree with Bill’s writing that self-centered fear activates my character defects. Even those that have become dormant as a result of living a spiritual way of life, one-day-at-a-time to the best of my ability. For me the difference between a demand and simple request is obvious as Bill W. wrote, unless, in my view, I am in denial or resignation. Consistent 10th step inventories with rigorous honesty have aided me greatly here, preventing me from falling back into the delusion of denial sickness I had when I got here. For me a request is just that, an ask, specifically, a respectful ask. A demand is an insistent order or command. Quite a contrast.

Regarding self-centered fears, I can honestly say I have less of these manifesting than ever before. A newly discovered concept and practice have helped me align better with the God of my understanding. This I believe has opened up His grace to further equip me with increased perspective (spiritual eyesight) and His power which are further obliterating my self-centered fears through seeing them for what they are, bogeymen! The concepts are: 1) To fear God above all else. Not the kind of fear of God that he will punish me if I step out line--but to have holy fear of God. That is to have in my core profound reverence and awe of God because He is God and I am not, and to realize how fearful my life would be today if I lost the connection with God I have today. As I understand it now, fear of God is the right place for my fear as designed by my Creator. And if I don’t fear God, I will fear man and many things in the world. I’ve lived most of my life this way! 2) When I fear God above all else, I’ve begun to see self-centered fear in its true light, fearing what should not feared, but this can be overcome with reliance upon God. Also, this has shown me that I wasn’t fully relying on God as much as I thought I was because my fears were misplaced. This has been a game-changing concept for my wife and me regarding our fears and freedom! We both are reading an eye-opening new book that explains this well.

Cheers & Blessings,
Dominic D.
San Clemente, CA

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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