God and AA gaves me - Yuu (2023/6/2)  [Home]

Yuu、アルコホリックです。2008年に初めてAAミーティングに行き、それ以来ソーバーです。ソーバーになった翌月に、私のアパートのゴミ捨て場に子猫が捨てられていて、私はその猫を保護しました。私が飲んでいた頃の姿を知らないその猫は、現在では15歳になりました。"Sober Cat" です。神様が私にくれた善きしるしだったと思います。その数年後に、私は妻と離婚をしました。私は酒は飲まなくなったものの、感情の起伏が激しくて、私と妻はいさかいが絶えませんでした。離婚は悲しかったですが、あなたたちはもうこれ以上傷つけ合うことをやめなさいという意味で、神様は離婚という
を与えてくれたのだと思います。元妻の幸せを祈るばかりです。私はもう二度とパートナーを持つことはないだろうと思っていたのですが、パンデミックの少し前に、魅力的な女性との出会いがあって、恋人になりました。猫と音楽が好きな、Normy の女性です。私は彼女と一緒に暮らしたいと思ったのですが、(アルコホリックと違って)自立しているNormy なので、彼女はそう簡単には Yes と言いません。私は説得をあきらめ、神様、私は彼女に執着しません、私たちに別々に暮らす良いお付き合いをお与えくださいと祈っていました。高齢になった "Sober Cat" の体調が少し悪くなり、猫はあと何年くらい生きられるだろうか?という話を恋人(彼女も僕の猫が好きで、猫も彼女になついています)とするようになりました。猫が天国に行く時に、あなたと一緒に見送れたらいいよねということを、私は何気なく恋人に言いました。その言葉が彼女に響いたようで、そういう考えだったら一緒に暮らしても、良いわよと、彼女は私と一緒に暮らす決心をしました。自分の考えではなくて、神様が私を通して、彼女を説得する言葉を与えてくれたのだと思います。引っ越しを控えた彼女は、それまでの疑り深い態度とは裏腹にとても楽しく幸せそうで、新居のための食器を買い揃えたりしています。かつて私は、自分が幸せになることばかり考えて生きていましたが、現在は、自分ではない他の誰かが幸せになってくれるように願うようになり、その手助けができたと感じた時に、自分も幸せだなと思えるようになりました。猫も、恋人も、
Translator : yu

Hi, My name is Yuu, I'm alcoholic. I went to my first AA meeting in 2008 and have been a sober since. The month after I became a sober, I found a kitten abandoned in the dumpster of my apartment, I sheltered the cat. That cat did not know what it looked like when I was drinking, Now he is 15 years old. "Sober Cat". I think it was a good sign that God gave me. A few years later, my wife and I divorced. I stopped drinking, but I had a lot of emotional ups and downs, and my wife and I had a lot of arguments. The divorce was sad, I believe that God gave us the gift of divorce as a way of telling us to stop hurting each other. I just wish my ex-wife all the best. I thought I would never have a partner again, but shortly before the pandemic, I met an attractive woman and became her lover. She is a Normy woman who loves cats and music. I wanted to live with her, but (unlike an alcoholic) she is independent. Normy, so she does not say Yes so easily. I gave up trying to persuade her and prayed to God that I would not be attached to her and that He would give us a good relationship where we would live separately. The aging "Sober Cat" is feeling a little worse for wear, and one wonders how much longer the cat has left to live. I asked my girlfriend (who also likes my cat and he is attached to her) how long the cat would live. I casually mentioned to my girlfriend that it would be nice to see the cat off with you when he goes to heaven. She seemed to be touched by my words and said that if that was the way she thought, she would be happy to live with me. She made up her mind to live with me. It was not my own idea, but God, through me, convinced her. I think God gave me the words to convince her. She is ready to move in, and despite her previous skeptical attitude, she seems very happy and joyful and is buying all the dishes for her new home. I used to live my life thinking only about making myself happy, but now I am not I have come to wish for someone else to be happy, and when I feel that I have helped them to be happy, I feel that I am happy too. The cat, my girlfriend, and sobriety were all given to me by God and AA. If I had kept drinking, all those things would not have been there. This text was written using a translation device. Sorry for my poor English. Thanks. Yuu (Japan)

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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