Acceptance, Courage and Wisdom - Susan (2023/6/4)  [Home]

が言っていました。"Align and Shine" (整い、輝く)それが私たちの仕事なんです。正しい方向に向いて、踏ん張ります。susan
Translator : yu

Good sober morning, all. Family drama and imminent death has unbalanced me, off and on, especially last week, caring for my dying ex. especially last week, caring for my dying ex. The Serenity Prayer slowly, and more slowly recited was the best meditation I could do, somedays. Centering, balancing, facing the right direction, it helped me align. As one of my sponsees reminded me recently - that is our job: Align and Shine. Facing the right direction, and trudging, susan

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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