That's Reality - George (2023/8/9)  [Home]







Translator : mk

Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Dave, for chairing. When I finished reading your share that concerned some negative matters occurring in your life, including cancer and your wife Terri's cognitive decline, I immediately said aloud, "Paul."

Many twenty-four hours ago, I was Paul's sponsor. Paul had a horrendous time speaking in a group, being a lifelong secondary stutterer. We all stutter, but a secondary stutterer is aware of it and treats the act of speaking as if it were equal to having the plague. I was patient with Paul because as a teenager, I had been a secondary stutterer. Sister Maris Stella, my English teacher, helped me get over my fear of speech in public by encouraging me to stutter every word on purpose in after-school classes. Eventually, her strategy worked, which is why my younger sister later became a speech therapist.

Back to Paul. One day, he asked me, "Duh-Duh-Duh-Do yuh-yuh-yuh-you nuh-nuh-nuh-know what the lun-luh-luh-luh-letters of suh-suh-suh-sober stand for?" Paul grinned like a Cheshire cat before answering flawlessly his question, cheerfully, and with great fanfare. "Son of a bitch, everything's real!" Paul's hands spread out in front of him and then to both sides as he took a deep bow. He was as proud and joyful as could be.

In the following years, the more I thought about what Paul had said, the more profound I concluded it to be. The reality of my booze addiction brought me to the AA tables. The reality of prayer gave me the serenity to accept things as they were and the courage to change me as best as I could.

With her diminished cognition, Terri had no problem sharing her experience, strength, and hope with a brand-new member who telephoned Terri, of all people, for help. That is reality. Way to go, Terri.

And that's the way it works for me.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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