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私が底をついたとき、誰かが「もう、疲れ切って疲れるのも嫌になった」という言葉を言っているのを聞きました。そのフレーズは、私の心に強く響きました。また、「私たちは自分の秘密が多いほど病んでいる」という言葉も心に残りました。私は長い間セラピーを受けていましたが、誰にも話していないことがありました。ただ、私が仲間たちからもらいたかったのは、この飲酒の惨事を乗り越え、飲まないで生きる方法を学ぶための助けだけでした。ステップを実践することで、こんな結果が得られるとは一度も期待していませんでした。笑うなんて思ってもいませんでしたし、これは失礼ですが、女性の仲間たちと礼儀正しいおしゃべりを延々としなければならないのだと思っていました。私は本当にそういうおしゃべりが大嫌いなんです。なんてひどい見方でしょう! でも、この飲酒の問題を解決できるなら、やろうと思いました。

』の「How it Works - 第5章どうやればうまくいくのか」の章を開いて、どうやって




Sober Date 2001年6月20日

Translator : yu

Hi all

My name is Suanne and I am an alcoholic. Thank you Bobbie for leading our meeting this week and for your service to our group.

When I hit bottom, I heard someone say something about being tired of being sick and tired. That phrase packed a lot of heat to my heart. Also the one about: we are only as sick as our secrets. I'd been in therapy for a long time and there was stuff I wasn't divulging to anybody. All I needed tho from you guys was just some help to get through this drinking catastrophe and learn how to live without drinking. I never once expected the kind of results that would happen as a result of working the steps. I never expected to laugh and and pardon my french but I thought I'd be stuck making polite f**ing conversation with the ladies. I literally HATE making polite conversation. What a horrible outlook! But I would do it if I could get rid of this drinking problem.

I went to rehab and I met people who thought like me, did things like me, and we were laughing about it. I laughed and cried till my belly hurt. And I hadn't even really hit the books yet. It was something about connecting to my people that gave me hope. And I learned about the solution! I flipped to the "How it Works" chapter in the Big Book so I could see how it works and the promises, wow.... I wanted what you all had. Then I could relax and go back to the beginning of the book to hear the message of what was wrong with me and why I was the way I was.. I identified with everything in Bill's story. I related to everything in Dr Bob's Nightmare. Every single thing. OK, not all the details but all the feelings they shared about .... they were mine too. I just never knew this side of life existed. I'd been in therapy for a long time and never told the counselor half of the stuff I was telling another alcoholic within 30 minutes.

I know I've earned my seat in Alcoholics Anonymous. I'm where I am supposed to be. Lately I've been having that feeling that it's time to get back to meetings. I love online groups but I'm more or less hiding in the flock. We are fixing to go on vacation to Colorado in a week or so and we have already started looking up meetings. Hubby and I have started praying together about this time away so that we can experience whatever God wants us to see and grow to make us better AA members. That's one of the neat things about being married to another alcoholic. I've never felt so free as to say to him how unsettled I've been and to ask for us to pray together about life, love, meetings, etc. We have been so covered up with our unplanned kitchen remodel that everything centers around it. Instead of being spiritually connected, I've been a bit wayward and that's not good. The icing on the cake was climbing into bed on Sunday and a tree fell on our house. We didn't even know it was supposed to rain! I could write a book on this experience. Ha!

So I'm praying for our spiritual rejuvenation in the mountains as God's child, as an AA members, as a couple and personal growth. It's been too long. The countdown has begin. 10 days.....

Thanks for reading,

Suanne G
Waco, TX
DOS 6-20-01

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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