ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
Translator : yu
Bruce H. DOS = 12/29/1976 Welcome to all new members to ESH
Most churches require a new person to learn and believe a set of doctrines before they join, or in a few cases, even get help. Others believe that God can heal (or deliver) alcoholics but expect Him to do so in a moment, not understanding the necessity for a long character regeneration. That being the case, when I realized I needed help for my out-of-control drinking the last place I expected to get help was the church I grew up in. The one sober alcoholic I knew there had gotten sober in AA.
When I came to AA I needed God's help but couldn't deal with a lot of confusion about spiritual matters. I got sober and began to work the program with a desperate willingness. I accepted at the start that I was not God. The inventory steps reinforced that I had no business managing my own life. Over time I dealt with the things that had confused me about God and which had separated me from God's help and I eventually returned to my former beliefs knowing the difference between mental ascent and living by spiritual principles. So, I am grateful for AA's tolerance for Atheists, agnostics, and hopelessly confused and self-will-run riot drunks and God's patience. God met me at my point of need and showed me much mercy while I learned to seek Him.
Today AA welcomes almost anyone and everyone into our meetings. Some of these individuals can stay sober (or dry) for long periods on the fellowship and help of AA members alone. The Big Book states that there is a point where alcoholics go beyond human aid. That means that some drinkers may not have reached that point and if sufficiently motivated may stay dry for a long time. I have also seen members stay sober for a while without working the program and return to drinking. As to which group others fall into I cannot say but for myself, I knew I belonged to the one that was powerless over alcohol and was beyond human aid. Others may not be real alcoholics or they may return to drinking and die or they may be in the process of learning they are not God and may in time accept the program as written. My job is to share the AA message and my ESH with those latter folks.
The program has as its ultimate purpose a spiritual awakening that leads to a productive, regenerated life free from not only booze but also fear, self-will, selfishness, guilt, shame and conflict. That awakening also carries the promise of a relationship with God that brings peace. Instead of approaching God from intellect, it shows us how to surrender our own will to the will of God. The point is, that alcoholic atheists may stay dry for a while but they will never experience this transformation. I once followed a discussion in a Mensa magazine among high IQ atheists who apparently also had a drinking problem and they were lamenting the part of the AA program that had to do with God. They thought if they could remove God from the program all would be well. I had to laugh. AA is about stepping down from the throne of one's life and allowing God to take charge.
It doesn't surprise me that a lot of atheists are alcoholics. If you are one, or you are just confused about what to believe, I urge you to keep coming back and to stick with the winners. I assure you that God exists and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Honestly seek Him and He will show up with a life that works in all circumstances.