ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
経験と力と希望」のミーティングは、次のように進められます。チェアパーソンが、 その週のテーマを決めます。グループ内の仲間が、そのテーマについて、分かち合います。 グループ全体への投稿を最小限に抑えるため、個人的なことはグループにでなく、 その人へ直接にお送りくださるようお願いします。
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
経験と力と希望」ミーティングへの投稿は、(東部標準時)日曜日午前0時以降、 いつでも結構です。終わりは、土曜日の午後11時59分までにしてください。
メンバーの方は、ぜひ、毎年のソーバー バースデーを共有してください。 AAに出会う前の人生がどんなふうだったか、そして何が起こって、 いまどうなっているのか、分かち合ってください。
電子マネーでの献金も、よろしくお願いします。 伝統7に基づく献金は、こちらからお送りできます。
Ellen Atkin
2322 Oakwood Drive
Lakeside, AZ 85929
毎月のビジネスミーティングへの参加は、次のところからリストに登録してください。 http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh-business でビジネス リストに参加してください。
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
を歓迎しています。 私たちのウェブサイトを紹介してあげてください。http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh
(仮のものでも)リスト係 パム・Sへ、 ご連絡ください(pamelas8246@gmail.com)。彼女がボランティアのリストをお送りします。
Translator : yu
The structure of an ESH meeting is that the chairperson selects a topic for the week and anyone in the group has the option to share on that topic. In order to keep the postings to a minimum for the entire group, we suggest that personal messages be sent directly to that person and not via the Group.
Comments should be closely related to recovery from alcoholism. "The ESH meeting will begin no earlier than Sunday morning anytime after midnight EST and members are requested to post their shares no later than the following Saturday night at 11:59 PM EST."
All members are encouraged to share their A.A. anniversary on their annual sobriety date. Tell the group what your life was like before AA, what happened, and what it's like today.
Also, please remember the cyber basket. Here is where you can mail your 7th Tradition Contributions:
Make all checks payable to:
Ellen Atkin
2322 Oakwood Drive
Lakeside, AZ 85929
PayPal contributions may be made to:
Please consider joining us at our monthly business meeting by signing up to join the Business List at http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh-business .
ESH is always open to new members. Please refer potential new people to our website at :http://mylist.net/listinfo/esh .
If you're looking for a sponsor/someone willing to get you started.. (temporary or otherwise) please contact our Sponsorship List Keeper, Pam S, (pamelas8246@gmail.com) and she will gladly send a list of willing volunteers to you.
(I am writing this sentence using a translation app.)
My name is Yuu, I'm alcoholic. January 28, 2008, marked the day of my last drink. On that day, following police intervention, I was admitted to the hospital. After being discharged in March, I started attending AA meetings. Therefore, I celebrate March as my AA anniversary. This month marks 16 years of sobriety for me.
I moved to Tokyo last year, but prior to that, I lived in Chiba. I used to host meetings in Chiba. Since the pandemic, the number of members coming to the venue has decreased, but still, a few would come, and we would typically have meetings with 5 or 6 people. Sometimes newcomers would join us, but most of them would attend 1 or 2 times and then not come back.
One particular newcomer, a woman, seemed to enjoy our meetings and started coming regularly. On one of her visits, I introduced her to a female sponsor. Additionally, I recommended other meetings and occasionally attended them together. She grew to like AA, started going to meetings on her own, and even shared with me about the "chatty old guy" she met at one of the meetings. I would sometimes nod along as I listened or join in with comments like, """Oh, that person is like that""," participating in gossip about others with her. It was a way we occasionally livened things up with some shared camaraderie and gossip among AA members.
As her one-year anniversary approached, I, as usual, brought up the topic of gossip with her. However, she looked embarrassed and didn't engage in the gossip topic anymore. I realized she had stopped speaking ill of others, and it made me reconsider my own actions. While I already knew it wasn't a positive thing to do, witnessing her change made me more aware of my own mistakes. On her birthday, when I mentioned, "You haven't been gossiping about others lately," she looked surprised and said, """Was I really gossiping that much? She hadn't even been aware of her own" change. She didn't change herself by consciously trying but, rather, I believe it was a Higher Power that facilitated it.
The changes in oneself through AA often tend to be like that. It's not about consciously trying to become something; rather, without even realizing it, just becoming that way. Before I knew it, I also came to realize that life is not just a challenging thorny path but rather something enjoyable. I now understand that having alcohol taken away by a Higher Power wasn't a punishment but a blessing.
Thank you for sharing. This week's topic is "Memories with newcomers."
Yuu, Tokyo, Japan