を保っていましたが、討論クラブをやめて、そしてどんな神学的な "煩悶の場 soap box" からも身を引きました。
といった)AA独自の神の呼び方が神の存在を弱めたり薄めたり、またはそれから気を散らすという懸念を表明しました。その一方で、有限かつ限定された私たちの心から生まれる一つの記述や教義において、平和や愛、喜び、そして無限の大きさや無限性、そして私たちの想像力や概念を超えたすべての永遠の贈り物を他にどのような言葉で述べられるでしょうか?私は「G-d」というユダヤの伝統(訳注:神聖なものであるため、"God" という単語を完全には書かない)が気に入っています。これは、一つの単語や発音がどんなに大きなものを指し示せるかということを表しています。
」と「自分なりに理解する(理解しない)神」という考え方は、非常に美しく謙虚です。これによって、私たちが作り上げられるどんな入れ物よりもはるかに大きなものを、理解したりつかまえられるふりをすることなく、神秘と生命の癒しの力を可能にしています。私は、謙虚さを実践し始めるために学ばなければならなかった何百万もの教訓に感謝しています。理解できないことに降伏し、奉仕する生活に手を差し伸べるよう努めました。自分が大いなる「私たち WE」のタペストリー(織り布)の中のほんの一部であり、私の周りにある糸の数はほんの一部でしかないことがわかりました。
元酔っ払いで、元(常に)煩悶の場 soap box に立っていた、スーザン
Translator : yu
I just read a great observation recently from an anonymous member. Making God (Theism or Atheism) the focus is putting something ahead of sobriety. Requiring a belief in God would also be putting something ahead of sobriety.
Thank you, anonymous member from somewhere in the UK. Yes, that's so simple and obvious, once it was stated.
We cannot put or afford to put anything ahead of our sobriety. My issue with the God word and my hurt and anger at the church that kicked my family out of the tribe kept me from sobriety and the AA principles for ten years. I was putting the issue ahead of sobriety. AA is not about pushing any one idea. Just as making agnosticism or atheism the focus, instead of recovery, so also would be a focus on any one belief or interpretation of God. It is an inspiring program, big enough for everyone, when we can follow principles over personalities or pet peeves or any individual opinion.
I was agnostic (confused and resentful would be a better description) for the first 2-3 years of sobriety, and I stayed sober, having given up the debating club, and stepped down from any theological soap box. Sobriety, learning how to live the new life I was given, and letting the steps work me, until I could begin to practice principles without constant hand-holding, had to be my focus. Opening my mind and heart allowed many lessons to flow in. The gift of desperation, the group of drunks and good orderly direction were not just acronyms diluting a greater Higher Power - they were vehicles that allowed me to open my mind and heart, opening the door to more health, love, serenity, honesty, and more humility and letting go, in order to open up more.
Someone once expressed concern about acronyms diminishing or diluting or distracting from God. On the other hand, how could any one word, one description or doctrine from our finite and limited minds ever be able to describe peace, love, joy and the immensity, the infinity, and all the eternal gifts that are beyond our imagination and conception? I like the Jewish tradition of "G-d" showing that one word or pronunciation cannot point to something so much bigger than any word.
AA's "higher power" and "as you understand (or not) God" is such beautiful humility, allowing for the healing power of mystery and life, without even pretending we can understand or capture that which is much greater than any container we can construct. I am grateful for the million lessons I needed to learn to begin to practice humility, to surrender to what I don't and cannot understand, to reach out to a life of service, recognizing that I am just a bit of thread in a great WE tapestry, and will never see more than a few of you threads around me.
Grateful to be sober; grateful to be in the place of unknowing; grateful to be teachable; and, to the topic, so grateful, that I was "allowed" in, with just a desire to stop drinking,
susan, former drunk and former (mostly) stander on soap box