Topic - Promises - Ted (2024/1/27)  [Home]
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AAに来て私が最初に手にしたのは、自分の人生が手に負えないというステップ1の一部分でした ー 私は自分がアルコホーリクであることを簡単に認めることができましたが、それは侮蔑ではなく、むしろ名誉の証でした。私はできる限りジム・モリソン(ロックミュージシャン)のような服を着ようとして10代を過ごしました。ジャック・ケルアック(作家)はヒーローであり、悲劇ではありませんでした。

しかし、私は最も単純なことにも当惑していました。飲んでいた最後の頃、私は非常に深い恥辱を感じました。なぜなら、ハンガリーのカポシュヴァールの自分のアパートで、人々が私には理解できないタイミングで電気、ガス、水道のメーターを読むためにやってくるからです。その人たちは部屋の中に入らなければなりませんでした。誰かが中に入ってくるのは嫌でした。私の部屋はいつも台風が襲ったように荒れていたからです。ボトルや紙くず、包装ラップ、ピザの空き箱が床のあらゆる隅にありました。自分のために唯一弁解をすると、私はバイオハザード(訳注:細菌や感染症などの生物学的危機)だけは放置しませんでした ー 私は、カビが生えたり虫がたくさん寄ってくる可能性があるものは、処分するのが得意だったのです。しかし、それは恥ずべき状態であり、それを見られることが大変恥ずかしかったです。



Sober Date 1996/12/15

Translator : yu

Hi everyone,

My name is Ted and I'm an alcoholic. Thanks for the welcome "back" recently, although I must admit it was just a change in email address - lost access to the old one.

I read or at least skimmed all the first 164 pages of the BB on my first day of sobriety, which was also the day I joined this group.

I recall that the thing that jumped out at me from the list was "we will intuitively know how to handle situations that used to baffle us." I was baffled by a lot, and still can be. Even before I got sober, a little narrative I had built for myself was that whenever they had passed out the skills needed to deal with life like a normal person, I must have been standing in the wrong line.

When I came, I part of the first step I latched on to was that my life was unmanageable -- I could easily admit I was alcoholic, but that was a badge of honor more than an epithet. I spent my late teenage years trying my best to dress like Jim Morrison. Jack Kerouac was a hero, not a tragedy. Even in sobriety, trying unsuccessfully to be Buddhist, I was drawn most strongly to Chogyam Trungpa, the only Buddhist master I have heard of who died of cirrhosis. Alcoholics are my reference group. So I am proud to be among all of you!

But I was baffled by the simplest things. I had deep, deep shame late in my drinking because people would come around to my apartment in Kaposvar, Hungary at to me inexplicable times to read my electricity, gas and water meters. They would have to come inside. And I didn't want anyone coming inside. My place always looked like a hurricane had hit. Bottles, papers, wrappers, pizza boxes on every available inch of floor. The only thing I could say in my defense was that I didn't leave biological hazards lying around - I was pretty good about throwing out things that could go moldy or attract a lot of bugs. But it was a shameful state, and I was very ashamed to be seen like that.

After I got sober, I figured out there was a big sign on the front door in Hungarian that said precisely what day and time people were going to come to read the meters. But the bafflement of these folks showing up at random times and seeing how I lived was devastating to me at the time.

Thanks for letting me share!

Dubai, UAE

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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