Translator : yu
I'm Nancy and I'm alcoholic.
Since I sobered up, ditched the first husband, got my daughters through college and on to their own successful lives, remarried, and moved to a cattle ranch in the middle of nowhere in southwest Louisiana, retired, and got older, I am in awe every day... but only if I remember to be open to the experiences!
If I hadn't gotten sober, I wouldn't be aware that AWE is a real thing, like gratitude is.
I'm often in awe watching the birds around the house. Right now, lots are migrating through our area and stop by to "say hello," especially those Hummingbirds that gobble down gallons of juice. Nature is definitely something to be in awe of!
A few years ago, I started going several times a week to a Rec Center that's about 35 miles away. I attend classes, like old people chair yoga, and I walk a lot. First, I'm in awe of myself because I keep going back. Second, I'm in awe of how I have been accepted by people, many of whom look different from me. Third, I'm in awe of the improvements in my 76 year-old white body. Recently, I was walking with an older Black guy chatting about a party he went to at his brother's house. He'd been irritated that the only drinks available were beer, so he just got himself some water. Naturally, all the bells were ringing and lights flashing: he is one of us! We then talked about AA, sobriety, gratitude, and awe at being sober today, one day at a time.
AWE is such a wonderful feeling! It's freeing. It's joy. It's appreciation. I will continue to be in awe of the world around me... and the sober (today) Nancy.
Life is good. Thanks for letting me share.
Nancy Shaw