ESH on topic - awe - Susan (2024/10/2)  [Home]
トピック - 畏怖

畏怖(いふ) - 「恐れや驚きが入り交じった、敬意を伴う感情」




ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ



そして、長年にわたり、不適切かつ頻繁に使われることで無思慮に薄められてしまった素晴らしい言葉(「AWE 畏怖」)を取り戻してくれて、仲間の皆さんに感謝します。


Translator : yu

Awe - "a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder "-

Thank you all for this meeting to support my life in sobriety. I felt very little awe when I was trapped in my prison of victimhood, saw no color or beauty or the miracle of life.

Receiving the gift of sobriety, the gift of life, and the gift of commUnity was like a blind person receiving sight. I felt and still feel, as if a door opened, letting me out of a dark closet into light. And, I experienced, without any understanding, some reverential respect and wonder at the shift I could feel about to catapult me into me and the life I am meant to live.

Wonder and reverence were not part of my young life, my drinking life when my mind and heart were closed. Wonder, reverence and respect are results of my mind and heart opening to life, to love, to gratitude and joy. I couldn't experience any wonder and reverence, until I began practicing a teeny, tiny bit of humility, surrendering to the higher power of love, faith, life, honesty, humility, service, gratitude, joy and unity. Awe fills me when I am in conscious contact with God, practicing spiritual stretching.

It immediately evaporates when I stop practicing and begin to feed drama and fear to my ego. The good news is recovery - the fellowship, service and others' ESH - gets me back into the daily training I must continue. Awe returns.

Perhaps the most awe-filled moment that I am conscious of was after my family disappeared into a glacial tunnel in Alaska, and I was completely alone (unable to hike or walk without pain, so had to stay behind). The quiet was impenetrable. The range of the mountains, their height and breadth were unfathomable even as I was looking at them. The recognition of my smallness and frailty in the vast wilderness filled me with reverence, respect, wonder and fear - a deep and powerful awe, along with surrendering any thread of the illusion that I could control or manage anything. I was at the mercy of a terrifyingly, incomprehensible, wild beauty.

Thank you for sending me back to that memory - a powerful lesson in humility, which awe carries with it.

And thank you all for taking back a tremendous word that has been mindlessly diluted, with inappropriate and frequent use, over the years.

Small and grateful,

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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