Weekly Topic - Amends - Laurie (2024/7/26)  [Home]
今週のトピック - 埋め合わせ






23年間話をしていなかった父にようやく埋め合わせをしたとき、彼が私とほぼ同じ時期にお酒をやめていたことがわかりました。なんて素晴らしい贈り物でしょう - その後、彼の生涯の残りの期間、私たちは良い関係を築くことができました。



Sober Date 1995年8月4日

Translator : yu

Hi all, my name is Laurie and I am an alcoholic. Congratulations, Dorothy, and thanks for being a great example that Alcoholics Anonymous works!

I will be forever grateful for my first sponsor who guided me through my first set of amends. I came to believe then and still do that sponsorship is essential during amends to help us be sure we don't hurt anyone else in the process.

When I got to step 9, knowing that I was not the intellectual genius that I believed myself to be, she carefully explained to me that amends was about change. I can still hear her say (and have quoted her many a time) that when we amend a law, we change it. The heart and soul of Step 9, in my belief, is about changing my behavior. As am example, if I'm making an amends to someone with whom I gossiped about someone else, my intent is also (with HP's help) to refrain from that behavior in the future!

Another thing she taught me was that the words, "I'm sorry" were not to be used in my amends. Instead, I had to say that phrase I choked on at first, "I was wrong".

Amends have changed my life. They have helped me become closer to the person I seek to be. They have helped restore many (but not all) relationships in my life.

When I finally made amends to my father, who I had not spoken with in 23 years at the time, I found out he got sober about the same time I did. What a gift - we had a good relationship for the remainder of his life.

We all love the 9th step promises, read at many meetings. It tells us, clearly, the result of making those amends.

I have often found in this way of life that the things I don't want to do are the very things that are best for me.

Laurie Trimeloni
DOS 8/4/95

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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