ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
と全部に感謝してるけど、ちゃんと答えるのは無理だなって思ったよ。長編小説みたいだもんな。(^^ 全部含まれてる…何て言うか、最初はステップ1から始めて、他のステップもちゃんとやって、それが日常になってくるってことだよね。毎日、そして一日に何度も感謝してるんだ…痛みなく朝起きれて、キッチンまで歩いて、コーヒーメーカーのボタン押して、庭を眺めて、バードシード (鳥の餌) のバケツからカップで種をすくって、窓を開けて、芝生を歩いて餌台に種を入れて、また家に戻ってコーヒーを注いで、小鳥たちが餌台に集まるのを見ながら笑顔になれることにね。大抵の朝はそんなもんだからさ。昨晩、自分の
Translator : hr
Hi. Pam, a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations to sobriety celebrants and welcome newcomers to ESH and or AA. Thank you Margie, old-timer you who has been part of ESH for a long time. Thanks for being here and leading us this week. When I first read your topic...grateful for this program and all that entails…there is no way to fully respond, as it would become an epic. (^^ All that that entails…from the beginning Step one and then following through with the others, following through so they become a way of living. Grateful every day…several times a day... for being able to get up without pain every morning, walk to the kitchen, press the button on the drip coffee maker, look out onto the backyard, dip a measuring cup in the bucket of birdseed, open the slider, walk across the lawn to pour the seed in the feeder, walk back in the house, pour a cup of coffee, and watch and smile as the little birds come to the feeder. Most days begin that way. I chaired the monthly birthday meeting at my home group last night and it was wonderful to see a few people celebrating their first year. It brought back a sure reminder of how very precious life had become…and that same gratitude continues. Thank you, Margie for the opportunity to put some of these thoughts on paper and share here. Peace...