"So we don't get big heads." - George (2023/11/1)  [Home]

やあ皆さん、酔っ払いのジョージです。マイク、司会をありがとう。偉そうなことを言うつもりはないのですが、私はかつて自分の人生を救ってくれて、現在も私の人生に多大な報いを与え続けているのは "無名の" アルコホリックたち (Alcoholics Anonymous) と呼ばれるものであって、"名前を持った" それではないということを指摘したいと思います。

ちなみに私は、出版したいと思っている作品を書いています。それは私が73年前に友人となった2人のAAメンバーに関するものであります。当時私は、おねしょをしていたので早く目が覚め、濡れたシーツと毛布を地下の洗濯機まで運ばなければなりませんでした。我が家の応接間に目をやると、私は驚きました。間違った家の間違ったベッドで寝てしまったのだろうか?そんなことを考えたのは、見ず知らずの成人男性2人が応接間に立っていて、ボトルに入ったウイスキーをグラスに注いでいたからです。一人はスーツに白いシャツ、ペイズリー柄のネクタイでした。 彼はグラスを手に持ち、その中身を注意深く調べていました。 もう一人はチェックのネルシャツの長袖を着ていました。 グラスに注いでいる間、彼は笑顔でおしゃべりをしていました。

濡れた寝間着を地下室に運び、私は急いで階段を上り台所に入りました。 母は流しの前にいました。「あの人たちは誰?」と私は尋ねました。












「本当の理由かい?頭がでかくならないため (自惚れないため) だよ」と陽気なビル・Kが答え、ディックも大きくうなずきました。


Translator : yu

Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Mike, for chairing. Not wishing to be viewed as a smart arse, I wish to point out the program that saved both our lives and continues to reward mine handsomely is called Alcoholics Anonymous, not Alcoholics Unanimous.

Incidentally, I have been working on a piece I hope to get published concerns two AA members with whom I became friends seventy-three long years ago. I awoke early back in those days because I was a bed wetter and had to carry my wet sheets and blanket to our basement washing machine. Glancing at our parlor, I was taken aback. Had I slept in the wrong bed in the wrong house? The reason I thought those things was due to two strangers, adult men, standing in our parlor, pouring whiskey from a bottle into a water glass. One man was dressed in suit, white shirt, and paisley tie. He held the glass and examined the container's contents very carefully. The other man wore a long-sleeved checked flannel shirt. He was smiling and jabbering away while pouring.

After I took the wet bed clothes to the basement, I hurried up the stairs and entered our kitchen. My mother was at the sink. "Who are those men?" I asked.

"Why don't you ask them?" said Mother.

So, I did.

In answer, the fellow in checked shirt said, "I'm Bill K." He pointed to the other man and said, "And this is Dick N."

"Good morning," said his more serious friend.

"Don't you have last names?" I asked.

"We do," said Bill K. "but we don't use them."


"Because we want to remain anonymous."

"Like Jap or German spies?"

"Kind of, but we both fought for the good ol U. S. of A in the war," said the guffawing Bill K.

"Why are you anonymous?" I pursued.

"The real reason? So we don't get big heads," said the jovial Bill K, Dick, nodding his head in agreement.

Seventy-three years later, I still believe Bill K's rationale still holds. It's nobody's business I'm a member of AA, except for those people my higher power puts in my way, who obviously need help with their drinking problems. Then, and only then, except for folks attending AA meetings, is my AA membership somebody else's business. And that's the way it works for me.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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