Grateful for the Pain - Jeff (2024/12/20)  [Home]


私は、真の感謝の念とは、自分の人生や起こるすべての良いことに対する感謝の気持ちを超えるものだと信じ始めています。今日、私は人生のあらゆる経験に感謝するよう努めています ――良い経験も、悪い経験も、そしてひどく嫌な経験でさえも。これらすべてが、何らかの形で私が成長するために必要なものなのです。





Translator : yu

Hi Everyone, Jeff, alcoholic

I'm coming to believe that genuine gratitude goes beyond a sense of thankfulness for my life and all the good stuff that happens. Today I try to be grateful for every experience of my life -- the good experiences, the bad experiences and the downright horrible experiences. Somehow they are all necessary to help me grow.

I lost my first job in sobriety. It had taken me a year to find this job, now I was out on my butt after only 18 months. The demons were screaming in my head 24 hours a day about what a loser I was. It was as close as I have ever come to picking up a drink, but because I had been working a pretty good program, I “picked up the phone instead of picking up a drink.” I gave my sponsor all the painful details, he instructed me to go to the noon meeting and share about my job loss. Boy I really didn’t want to do that. But by then I had developed great trust in my sponsor so I went to the meeting anyways.

I shared all the fear, the anger and the frustration around my job loss. After the meeting an old timer came up to me, put his arm around my shoulder and said “Someday you’ll be grateful for this pain, Jeff.” It didn't make sense to me then, but today I can see the truth in what he said.

I begin to be grateful for the pain when I remember that the pain is not punishment from an angry God or some penalty I have to pay for screwing up. The pain I experience is a message. It says to me that I've got more work to do. Once I realize the pain is a message and not a punishment. I can begin the process of letting go and letting God. I become grateful for the pain because I can see I wouldn’t have grown without it.

Merry Christmas

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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