マイク・xxxx ... 立ち直ったアルコホーリクです。
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
いつものことですが、私が霊的に健全であるとき(あるいはその状態に近いとき)は、多くの分かち合いに自分と共感できる内容聞き、それによって「自分はここに属している」と感じます―― AAに来る前の人生の大半で感じていた「孤立感」とは正反対の感覚です。私が最も感謝していることの一つは、初期のAAメンバーたちが、
」に書かれていることを実際に実行したとき、私の人生は変わり始めました。私は、自分よりも偉大な力を探し始めました ―― それは特にやりたいことではありませんでしたが、絶対に必要なことでした。それは初期のメンバーたちが発見したように、私にとっての解決策となったのです。
もちろんこれは私の経験に過ぎません ... あなたの経験とは違うかもしれません。
Sober Date 1989年8月17日
Translator : yu
Mike xxxx...recovered alcoholic,
Welcome to anyone who is new or relatively new to AA or to ESH...I hope you find here what I and many others have found, a way of living which works. Congratulations to any and all celebrating an AA milestone!
Thanks Bobbie for your topic of "Gratitude".
As always when I am spiritually fit (or nearly so) I hear a lot of what I can relate to and so feel a part of, rather than apart from which is what I felt most of my life before coming here. One of the biggest things I am grateful for is that the early members wrote down what they had done to recover from alcoholism...not to tell us what to do, but to tell us what they did. When I finally surrendered and actually did what is written in the Big Book, then my life started to change. I started to seek a Power greater than myself which I was not really hot to do, but absolutely needed to do as that has become my solution, just like the early members discovered.
One of the most important things I have discovered is that while the feeling of gratitude is something that can be pleasurable, it's not worth much if my actions don't back them up. I can always see who is grateful for their recovery by just looking around the room and watching. I know that no one can do everything, but it's been my experience that everyone can do something. So if I'm showing up to "get" something, instead of to "give of myself" maybe I'm not as grateful as I could be. I learned long ago while attending meetings at the 1st Step House in Costa Mesa that "Grateful people are happy people and those that aren't, aren't". I know it sounds goofy, at least it did to me when I first saw it painted on the wall there, but it has become one of the truths in my life. And this goes in all areas of my life, not just in AA. My wife knows I am grateful for her and our relationship by what I do...along with what I say. It wasn't always that way, but I'm a slow learner it seems.
Of course this has just been my experience...yours may be different.