Topic Dec 15 - Pam (2024/12/21)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ



Translator : yu

Hello. I’m Pam xxxx, a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations to sobriety celebrants, you for sure Bobbie, and welcome newcomers to ESH.

Thank you, Bobbie for getting us going this week with the topic…gratitude. As many people have said at one time or another in and out of meetings, you either have it or you don’t have it, but you can find it or regain it.

To be grateful is a precursor to gratitude. Just thinking about this now seems like it would be the natural progression of being grateful. Immediately my life changed for the better and I accepted the changes as they came with little or no questioning of how it was happening…I was told this is the way it can happen. Following directions…steps 1-3 immediately, 4 and then 5, working the way through to 12 took a little more time, especially with step 9. Sharing at meetings, chairing meetings, welcoming the newcomer at a meeting, giving someone your phone number, the 7th tradition, sponsoring are all means for showing gratitude for this life guide that is/ has been so freely given. I suppose gratitude could be seen as gratefulness in action. Enjoy the season…stay well. Peace

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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