私は幸せなアル中、私の名前と、私の最大の問題は依然として rick - 「問題あり」です。
Translator : yu
Coming to this topic late due to many hours plowing snow on a local highway.
First, Thank you for posting what is arguably the topic de jour, given the practice of so many gratitude meetings in this area at least.
For myself… gratitude as a talking point, or discussion focus quickly lost its lustre and appeal somewhere in my first year of sobriety. Inspired and tutored by strong AA leaders, solidly schooled in the Big Book, and the AA Service Structure through the Traditions, Concepts and Warranties In hind sight I was fortunate to have found this vast source of wisdom…
One of the mantras (if you can call it that) of the day that impacted me greatly was “Gratitude is an attitude and not a platitude”
Professing my gratitude publically is to me declaring how wonderfully fortunate I have been as more of a boast than a share. I hasten to add this is a very personal view and should not be considered to be an indictment of people love to share the wonderous gifts received, which ironically I love hearing!
I prefer to share the gifts I have been so freely given over the decades, and continue to receive… by sharing the insights that time brings, and method s taught to me to new members and bask in the joy of their growth often not expected by them.
I try to share my gratitude in action.. rather then public declarations.
I must point out that I am an odd duck I suspect to others and I do not form many if any personal interactions beyond helping others as the opportunity presents itself. Perhaps creating my abhorrence of sharing verbally causes of gratitude
Never the less… for better or worst… I much prefer watchingothers share their gratitude through action and service to others.. then hear a lofty share on the same topic… kind of a show me don’t tell me attitude
Thanks for reading this far
I am a happy alkie and my name and biggest problem continues to be rick!