Working with Others - Dorothy (2023/5/17)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
(メーリングリスト) の友達、こんにちは。またここで皆さんとお会いできることをうれしく思います。Lin ありがとう(そして AA 記念日おめでとう)... そして、個人的な節目を迎えているすべての人に拍手を送ります。私は、まず自分自身に正直でなければ、何をするにも最大限の力を発揮できないことを学びました。確かに、サンドイッチを作ったり、車に乗せてあげたりして、人に

Translator : yu

Hello ESH friends, It's great to be here for another meeting with you all. Thanks to Lin (and Happy AAnniversary)... and kudos to all who are celebrating any personal milestones. I've learned that if I am not honest - first with myself - there's no way I can maximize anything I do. Sure, I might be able to serve others by making sandwiches or giving a ride.. but the kind of service I believe God calls me to is something more. It's allowing myself to be open and frank with others where situations call for a deeper understanding and empathy concerning alcoholism. Having gone through the living hell that hitting an alcoholic bottom brought to me, I'm best suited to offer a word or gesture of hope to another in that sad situation. And knowing and living in that way... it brings a real purpose, as well as peace, to me in ways I couldn't have imagined. AA's Steps, with the help of so many others have allowed me to make some progress in living an authentic, honest life. I arrived at the rooms feeling no self-worth whatsoever... thinking I should apologize for the oxygen I was using... a total waste. I've discovered that God doesn't make junk... and I totally get Popeye now... I am what I am and that's all that I am... and that's a wonderful thing! Be well, my friends.. peace & love, Dorothy

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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