GratItude 12/05 Meeting - Suanne (2024/12/20)  [Home]


アルコホーリクのスアンです。ボビー、分かち合いをありがとう、それと偉大なAA記念日をおめでとう。43年 - ワォ!


から来る時が必ず訪れると書かれています。そのメッセージを学んだのがその日でした。それは誰のせいでもありません。ただ私がアルコホリックだからです。アルコホリックはそうするものです……つまり、飲むのです! しかし、それは私自身の経験であり、飲まずに済んだことに感謝しています。



1. 私を救ってくれた神様に感謝します
2. ユーモアと笑いのセンスを見つけたこと、そして正直でいられる能力があることに感謝します
3. 私たちの健康、そしてこの健康問題は神様が見守ってくれていることに感謝します
4. 今後2週間で8人の孫全員に会えること、そしてナナやポップスが飲酒する姿を一度も見たことがないことに感謝します
5. 私たちの(犬の)ドゥードルたちが良いスナッグラー(抱きしめたり、一緒にくつろいだりするのが好き)であり、健康であることに感謝します
6. 私たちは1週間後に4歳の孫娘を丸3日間お世話できることに感謝しています
7. 夫と一緒に過ごすためにパートタイムの仕事を辞めたことに感謝しています
8. 計画なしで改装した私たちのキッチンが、面倒なこともあったけれど、6ヶ月で完成したことに感謝します
9. 私が毎日
10. 私たちがテレビを見たり、犬たちが遊んでいるのを見たりして、ただ笑って楽しむことに感謝します

これで十分です。さもないと一冊の本になってしまいますからね。私は本当に皆さんを愛していますし、それについては何もしても止められませんよ (^^)

Sober Date 2001年6月20日




Translator : yu

Hi everyone,

My name is Suanne and I am an alcoholic. Thank you Bobbie for your share and congratulations on such a big milestone. 43 years - WOW!

Gratitude is one of my favorite topics because I have so much to be grateful for. And if I am not feeling grateful, then I really need to pray and grab a spiral for a gratitude list. We have been given very specific tools, some in writing, and some we learn by doing for others or watching how other's handle it. My first sponsor use to say; gratitude starts with toilet paper. If you have toilet paper, then your list is started. LOL

My last real desire for a drink was because I was in an uncomfortable place and I used every tool in the book and meant every one of them. The big book says there WILL come a time when the only thing that stands between us and a drink comes only from my higher power. That was the day I learned that message. It wasn't anyone's fault. It was because I"m an alcoholic and that's what alcoholics do.... drink! But it was my experience and I'm grateful I didn't have to drink.

I've got some health issues at this time and my doc is doing lots of diagnostics tests, etc..The set of 4 kids come home starting Saturday and more the following weekend. Hubs said: we need to talk. OK, what about? About all this stuff going on with you. Thank you, honey, but until I find out more and digest more info.....there is no F******way we are going to tell the kids. End of that conversation. I have today and that is all that I can do. One day at a time.


1. for God, AA, that He saved me.
2. For finding my sense of humor and laughter, and I have the ability to be honest
3. Our health and that God's got this health issue.
4. We will soon be seeing all of 8 our grandkids in the next two weeks, that they have never seen Nana or Pops drink
5. That our doodles are good snugglers and seem to be in good health
6. That we get to take care our 4 year old granddaughter in a week for three whole days.
7. That I have quit my part time job to be home with hubby
8. That our kitchen, pain in the ass that it might be, was unplanned to be remodeled altho it took 6 months from start to finish.
9. That I talk to my sponsor daily, and that Keith and I start our day off with prayer.
10. That we enjoy simple things like watching tv and watching the dogs play and we just laugh.

That's enough from me or this will be a book. I truly love you all and there is nothing you can do about it (^^

Suanne G
DOS 6-20-01
Central Texas



When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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