Sober Date 2003年1月21日
Translator : yu
Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.
Like joy, awe has been missing for most of my life. My response to things that others found awe-inspiring has almost always been, 'eh, ok.' It wasn't until after I got sober and first encountered the Promises in our BB that I distinctly remember being in awe because every single one of them was coming true. It was the first time that I was to realize God was doing for me what I could not do for myself'... that God I had turned my back on and wanted nothing to do with. It was then that I began to see where my sobriety was a gift from a Higher Power who had always been there even when I tried my best to believe Him out of existence. The light was beginning to dawn and I couldn't help but begin to experience awe. Very humbling and I still cry with the impact of it all.
Today, like joy, awe continues to peek through every once in a while. This summer, we hung up a few hummingbird feeders and sit on the front porch and watch those little guys drink until those feeders are empty. How did they know where to find them? Most have already migrated to a warmer climate, but there are a couple of stragglers hanging around, allowing me to hear their squeaky chatter and the vibration of their little wings when I am still and quiet. And, sometimes... when the light is just right... I can see the perfect symmetry of those little wings keeping them in flight. Wow.
My husband would like to visit the Grand Canyon, especially since we live so close, now. He would also like to take off hiking into the desert and surrounding hills. He thinks these sojourns would be awesome'... me, not so much. The awe is there, but this kind of awe is still way too big for me. Hard to explain, but the enormity of the physical world causes me anxiety. I have recently just figured out why I like sitting on the front porch as opposed to sitting on the back deck... the front porch is covered and not open to the big ol' sky. My husband prefers the back deck.
Later this afternoon, we will be traveling south an hour and a half through the Salt River Canyon (huge!) on our way to a Sacred Circle Alco-thon on the San Carlos Indian Reservation. We'll be gone for two nights. Saturday is an all-day event from 8am to 8pm. I've never attended one of these before and I am not expecting to see anyone I know to be there. I'm in awe that I'm even going!
This is only my experience, yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.
Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03