Translator : mk
Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Jack, for chairing. Your question as to how I respond to criticism cannot be answered simply. It depends on what type of criticism we're addressing. There is so-called positive criticism employed by middle managers in government and many corporations. They're meant to help workers achieve improvement in their job skills and are measured annually. I did well under that system and received glowing reports.
Then, there is negative criticism, which involves two things that I hate because:
1. It calls for submission, and I hate to submit.
2. It devalues, and I loathe to feel devalued.
While I hate to submit and loathe to be devaued, I like to cooperate. Critical people seem to be oblivious to this key point: The valued self cooperates; the devalued self resists. If you want behavior change from a fellow alcoholic, first show value for that person. If you want resistance, criticize. And that's the way it works for me.