Change - Pam (2024/8/10)  [Home]


Translator : yu

Good morning. Pam here, a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations to you Laurie and thank you for leading the meeting this week. Change with all its variations…then, during, the ever present now. Change that “just happens,” change that I initiate, the topic is endless. The inevitable that comes with aging…acceptance is key in that as there is no way to change it. Fortunate indeed that so far, so good. This body so freely given has served so well even with years of drinking. Changes that come with family dynamics bring me to ever so greater appreciation, gratitude for knowing in my heart of hearts that I am unable, and really have no business to do so, change anyone else’s life path…unless someone asks. With the 12 steps a part my every day operative, a deep seated belief resides that somehow “things” will be met. Will be met in various ways or not…that element of letting go, giving whatever it is to my HP is always an option. So, thank you, Laurie, for this opportunity to explore. Stay well everyone. Peace…

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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