Topic December 22 - Pam (2024/12/27)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ



Translator : yu

Hello. Pam xxxx, a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations to people celebrating any length of time without drinking and welcome people new to ESH. Changes in behavior after becoming a sober AA member….George, thank you for the topic and your share. Scrooge, an interesting fictional character who transformed…fear was a strong motivator…and people welcomed his transformation. I’ve had a long time to change my behavior since taking that last drink.

Initially the change was never again having to calculate when and where I needed to be to drink. There was so much to manipulate with being married, three young children, working, living 10 miles from town, and doing the best I could to appear outwardly normal, while all the while a sort of inner turmoil was constant. At one point since I felt so nervous, I asked my doctor for something to help me feel calm. He prescribed Librium. Instant blackout, so that remedy was short lived.

Without going into detail, the greatest behavior change was becoming honest and taking a look at how I was abusing this gift of life. I have been fortunate in so many ways my entire life. The three way…willingness, honesty, and open mindedness are every day barometers. Of course these three combined with the steps and knowing my higher power is ever with me all combine to meet each day with some level of calm. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Peace…

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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