ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
立ち直ったアルコホーリクのドミニクです。私の場合、最近あったみたいに、新しいルーターにスマートTVを接続できなかったときなど、細かい部分に集中すると物事が難しく感じます。しかし、細部から一歩引いて見ると、T-Mobile (
プロバイダー) に連絡してTVの問題を解決する必要があることが分かり、それほど大きな問題ではないことが分かります(私が頭の中で大きな問題にしない限り)!最近はあまりテレビを見ないので。局所的なことに感情的にとらわれていると、それが小さなことだけでなく広範囲にもなり、その状態では感情が主導権を握り、私の感情(E)が知性(I)を上回ってしまいます。これは私にとってメンタルの大混乱です!例えば、カスタマー
の定型文を繰り返すだけの場合、私は感情的なフランケンシュタインになってしまいます!確実に埋め合わせが必要な状況を作ってしまい、怒りに任せて行動したことに対して罪悪感を感じます。私は(時にはゆっくりと)学んできました。神は私が感情(E)よりも知性(I)を常に優先するように作ってくれたのです。(ダラス・ウィラードが言うように、「感情は素晴らしい召使であり、ひどい主人である!」)だから、感情が支配し始めたときは、このツールを思い出します: I/E(知性が優勢の時)=落ち着き、静けさ。E/I(感情が優勢の時)=内面的混乱、性格欠陥の花火ショー! これが回復の第一歩であり、問題を特定し受け入れることです。その後でのみ、問題を解決するために、問題を引き起こしたのとは異なるレベルの思考で行動することができるのです。
)は、霊的な健康の強固な基盤を提供し、思考と体の成長への意欲を高めてくれます。私は決して完璧ではありませんが、いつも意欲的で、日々前進しています — これはもちろん、神が私にできなかったことをしてくれたおかげです。
Sober Date 2001年4月2日
Translator : yu
Good Afternoon ESH!
Thanks Debbie for chairing this week, and for your lead share and topic! Congratulations to anyone else celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!
Topic: “Does everything seem harder to do these days? How do you get through stressful situations?”
Dominic, recovered alcoholic. For me, when I focus on the micro, like the other day, when I could not connect our smart TV to the new router we received which fixed our very slow internet problem, things seem to be harder. Yet, when I back away from looking at things in the micro, I see that I’ll need to contact T-Mobile to resolve the TV problem and it isn’t really a big deal (unless I make it that in my head) as we rarely watch TV these days! When I’m emotionally invested in the micro, the micro becomes both the micro and macro, and in this state my emotions begin to run the show; my E, Emotions are then over my I, Intellect. This is a mental trainwreck for me! Example, waiting on hold for 45 minutes or more for customer service, then getting a customer service rep obviously in another country speaking broken English, and can’t help me, only repeat their customer service script about how they will help me--and I turn into an emotional Frankenstein! Creating an amends situation for sure and guilt for acting out in anger! I’ve learned (sometimes slowly) that God created me to have my I, Intellect over my E, Emotions all of the time. As (Dallas Willard says, “emotions make for great servants and horrible masters!” So, when I find my E taking over, I remember this tool: I/E = Calmness, Serenity. E/I = Inner Chaos, Character Defects Fireworks Show! Geez, this is the first step of recovery, to identify and accept I have a problem. Then and only then can I act on solving the problem, with a different level of thinking that created the problem.
Actually, on the first question, I spend most of my time these days realizing and accepting that things are much easier today. When they seem not, it is because I need to learn something which will simplify my life or hire someone that knows this stuff! I marvel at the fact that as teenager I spent much time in the library. Now, I have the whole library in my phone, fingertips away. I don’t even have to find a phone to call someone, I can text or call them immediately from almost anywhere I go. Yes, things are much easier, more convenient today. When I think not, I need to do some inner work to get the right (broader) perspective.
Now that I left my corporate job and work for myself, I have much less stress than I used too. Yet, even then, it was rare that I would be overcome with stress. I’ve learned that I must have a strong foundation in my inner systems (mind, body, spirit) in order respond to stress in positive, healthy ways. Exercise for me is important to keep my body strong. A growth or positive mindset is key, since it is not the stress or a problem that is the problem, it is how I perceive it and respond to it. The mindset and mental toughness tools I have keep me resilient and able to keep my I over my E most of the time. When I can see a stressful situation as an opportunity rather than a problem, I can respond effectively to the situation, remaining calm, and chalking up another victory! Of course, my daily 12-Step disciplines (prayer meditation, aligning my Will to God’s, Inventory, and service) give me a strong foundation of spiritual fitness which contributes to the willingness to grow in my thought-life and body. I’m never perfect, but always willing and moving these days--that is of course, God doing for me, what I could not do for myself.
Dominic D.