Topic - 11th tradition - Dave (2023/12/3)  [Home]
トピック - 伝統11

こんにちは、みなさん。私はデイブと言います、アルコホリックです。素晴らしいトピックに感謝します、 そしてパム、1年の記念日おめでとうございます!AAに戻ってきてくれて、そして私たちを見つけてくれてうれしいです!この道を共有してくれてありがとう!すべての方を歓迎し、そして今週祝う他のAA(および


二ヶ月前、私はレーストラックに車を運転しに行きました。私は似たような車と隣り合わせに駐車し、他のドライバーと会話を始めました。彼は、その日私が車に選んだナンバープレート - 86番 - のことを尋ねました。私は返答する前に一呼吸置いて、何かが「話しなさい」と言っていると感じました。それで私は彼に、(86年は) 私がアルコールをやめた年だと告げました。彼は、彼のお兄さんが酒をやめて1年のお祝いをしたところだと分かち合ってくれました。それで私も、酒をやめたことで自分の人生がどれだけ変わったかについて、少し分かち合いをしました。





Translator : yu

Hi, everyone. My name is Dave and I am an alcoholic. Thanks for the great topic, Pam, and congratulations on your one-year anniversary! I’m so glad you made it back to AA and found us! Thanks for sharing this path! Welcome to all and congrats to AA (and HP!) for any other milestones we celebrate this week. The program works!

Attraction rather than promotion and anonymity are important principles to guide my conduct. But I’m reminded that, unless some people know I’m sober, they will have no idea to seek me out if they come to have a desire to stop drinking. I certainly don’t advertise, but I don’t shy away from telling bosses, colleagues, or acquaintances that I’m in recovery if I think they might need to know so they can share that with someone who might want some help. When I was in uniform, I frequently told the chaplains when I arrived at a new command so that they would know I was willing to help anyone who wanted help.

Two months ago I was at a race track to drive my car. I was parked next to a similar model and struck up a conversation with the other driver. He asked me about the number I had chosen for my car that day — 86. I paused before replying and something said “tell him”. So I told him that’s the year I got sober. He shared that his brother had just celebrated a year sober - so I shared a little about how my life had changed since I stopped drinking.

Everything I have today is a direct result of getting sober and having a spiritual awakening as the result of taking our steps (repeatedly!). As I told the fellow at the track, I wouldn’t have lived much longer if I hadn’t stopped drinking, let alone have the life I do today.

Love and peace from a rainy Moseley, VA,


David Wray

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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